Chapter 25

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Cora's P

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Cora's P.O.V
It has been a few months since things went down on the old ark and since then pretty much all of our family was together. They had been awakening quickly and currently myself and the rest of the family had teleported to what looked like a ship yard where we had a perfect view of a bridge and the final family member just woke up.

The one that Earl was excited to wake up and was called Wisely; I was besides Tyki all of us wearing white. Our new fighting clothes as per the Earl's instructions; I was alert for danger but Tyki had an arm wrapped around my shoulders and I felt a light squeeze of reassurance.

"So it's been around thirty years since I was last awake." Widely spoke and the clothes he wore changed from the low class worker to the white ones like the rest of the family was wearing. He looked towards Tyki and his eyes narrowed. "Who is this?" He got up and Road smiled.

"That's Cora; she's the healer in this group and Tyki's fiancé. She's been checking and helping those waking up and healed myself and Tyki after the fight with the exorcists." Road smiled as she wore a black and white dress but it suited her perfectly.

"It's a pleasure miss Cora." He greeted me politely.

I smiled softly. "Welcome home Wisely." Seeing the family looked happy; I had nothing against them and with some members we got along and that included the twins.

Once in awhile myself, the twins and Road would play pranks but usually they were helping me to train. The past few months with my training my barrier had become stronger that I could make it big enough to surround whoever I wanted and a large group like the family or akuma's. I learned how to use my healing abilities to aid in fights but normally I didn't get to fight I was there as the shield and healer.

The akuma's were also warned to never harm me or else they would be destroyed. When I wasn't with Tyki or any other family members then the Teez that Tyki had given me when I first would fly around or sit on me. When it wasn't needed it would return back either as another charm for my necklace or a tattoo form on me but hidden out of sight.

"Ah my family we are all together again after so long; and we have a new addition as well. This is truly a happy day." Earl spoke happily as he was dressed in his suit.

Tyki smirked playfully and I giggled when he made me sit on his lap as he grabbed my left hand kissing the engagement ring. "What is the plan Earl?"

"We have many things that must be done, we must find the heart of the innocence. We believe that we have been close to it many of times but we also must look for the one who wants to merge with the innocence as it kills off other innocence." Earl spoke looking towards us.

I was curious when he mentioned an innocence that would destroy other innocence...that had me confused since all the innocence I thought would be fighting for the same purpose.

"This innocence is called an independent innocence Cora; it's trying to eliminate any competition and try to merge with the heart of all innocence. As I'm sure you know the heart controls all the pieces of innocence and if the independent innocence merged with the heart..." Wisely spoke looking to me.

I sighed understanding. "It's possible it might control all the other innocence. So how are we going to find the independent innocence? Could it be targeting a certain person?"

"It is possible and from what I understand...since we're all awake we know fourteenth will wake soon perhaps it will go after him. If that's what it wants; I cannot figure out why that person would align himself with the innocence though." Wisely was muttering to himself and Earl smirked.

I looked to Road and Tyki before I looked felt Tyki tense and hold his chest as I moved to check on him worried. "What is it?"

"Joyde is the true name of your Noah Tyki; and from hearing what he was just thinking it's because you both want Cora safe and away from all this fighting." Wisely spoke up looking to Tyki.

I looked to Tyki and gently rested my hand over his feeling how tense he was. "Tyki."

Tyki's P.O.V
Tyki looked to Cora when she said his name; he could see that she was worried and he smiled softly pecking her forehead softly. "I'm alright my butterfly; I promise he only got a little riled."

"I know your in control; I think I know why he got riled and it's alright I know he won't hurt me or his family here." Cora whispered so only Tyki heard and he relaxed keeping her close and he kept her warm as well.

"Thank you butterfly." Tyki looked to the Earl. "So what is the plan?"

"I want to deal with fourteenth as quickly as possible; we must find the heart and stop him. I do believe that the Black Order has their own type of akuma that they started experimenting on years ago. The only one of two to succeed was the one they call Kanda; we get him and bring him back to their base where Alma rests."

Tyki felt Cora tense and he looked to her seeing that she sneered; he liked this about Cora. In her eyes the Black Order were more war mongrels then even their family; Tyki had to agree. When an exorcist dies they only follow the paying respects and keep moving on they don't care that friends and family will never see their loved ones again or even know that their dead.

In the Noah family they all feel it and even though Cora wasn't a noah she had bonds to the family; they all cared for one another and protected one another. When one was hurt or defeated they all felt it; and Tyki had seen Cora cry for their family...he never wanted to ever see her cry again but she made bonds to the members in this family and they saw her as family too.

Earl cleared his throat as he looked to Tyki and Cora. "Cora can you teleport us all home my dear?"

Cora sighed and nodded her head as she closed her eyes and Tyki smiled when they were all teleported back to the ark and Tyki kissed her head softly. "That's my butterfly well done."

Cora looked to him smiling softly. "It doesn't drain me as badly anymore either; guess all the training is finally paying off."

"Yes it is." Tyki helped her up and held his hand out for hers as Cora held his hand while they followed their family to the dining room where they would normally all meet up and talk about plans.

Cora had a seat between Tyki and Road since she got along with Road more then much of the family. As they sat Cora held Tyki's hand under the table and he smiled softly knowing she was finding comfort in him; but Tyki noticed that she was looking paler and more tired then normal which worried him.

He moved her chair closer and held Cora gently close against him as he lightly ran his fingers through her hair that was hanging down loosely before he whispered in her ear. "Are you feeling alright? Your paler then normal."

"Yeah I've just been really tired lately; I have been sticking to my normal sleep schedule the best I can but it's been hard. Maybe I've pushed myself to far with my training."

Tyki frowned as he thought how much he had seen her relax the past few months but he knew it was rare. "Once this meeting is over we'll go to our room and relax for the rest of the day how does that sound?"

"I like it; so long as you have a warm bubble bath ready for me later on. I love the coconut bubble bath you got me; it's not a very strong scent but it's relaxing that's for sure."

Tyki chuckled softly. "I'll make sure that you have a bubble bath ready for you my love." Kissing her head as they listened back into the meeting both hoping they could get some personal time together.

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