Chapter 20

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Cora's P.O.V
Things had become hectic lately with the exorcists; for every exorcist we managed to get rid of there seemed to be more chosen by the innocence. The newest problem was Tyki had believed that he killed Allen Walker but the little keeper in the playing card was unable to wash away Allen Walker's name which meant the boy had survived.

I was with Tyki had a stream as we had both been on the move and I was watching in amusement as Tyki was trying to catch some fish while I soaked my feet since they were a little sore and I frowned having stepped wrong earlier today and my right ankle was slightly swollen when I had stepped wrong during a fight.

Tyki came over and kneeled as he saw my ankle and frowned. "That doesn't look to good; what's the damage?"

"I think I sprang my ankle earlier; I shouldn't even be walking on it till it's better and that could take a week or two. Typical clumsy self." I muttered the last part about myself as Tyki chuckled.

"Well you are a little clumsy; but that's alright. I was planning on heading back to the ark and now would be a good time to go back since your hurt. Can you heal yourself any?"

"I tried; I'm still drained from the other day when I used my barrier to keep Allen from escaping us in those woods. Besides I get to the ark and I'll do I.C.E on my ankle?"

"What does that mean?" Tyki got his things on and when I tried to get up I blushed since he carried me bridal style so I wouldn't walk on my hurt ankle.

"It stands for Ice, Compression,'s the steps a person can take when they hurt their ankles, arms or wrists. And if you have a head injury you can sleep but you have to be woke up every hour."

Tyki smiled softly listening to me talking happily as he walked through Road's door. "That's smart." Looking up when Road came running.

Road gasped when she saw Tyki set me down but became support on my bad side. "What happened?"

"Oh I was clumsy when I was helping Tyki the other day and I sprang my right ankle." Chasing an akuma servant to go get me a bag of ice as we entered mine and Tyki's room. "So how's the download going? Will the new ark be ready soon?"

"Yep; any day now we can move into it. Oh that reminds me Earl has a plan for the exorcists if they get to close; and cause he knows you both failed to kill Allen. He's going to lure and trap them here in this ark when it's being destroyed." Road gave her Noah smirk.

Tyki smirked and helped me to sit on our bed with pillows to prop me up and my ankle as well. "Maybe we should make things more interesting; I'm going to assume it will take time to download the new ark while this one is being destroyed we could use your doors to travel from here to the new ark. I think myself, you, the twins and Skinn should deal with those exorcists; Cora here will have to be in the new ark..."

"She can be here till it comes to the last fight if they get that far; then when the last fight starts I'll send her to the new ark if that's alright?"

I looked to Tyki and smiled softly nodding my head. "I promise the minute you both think it's too dangerous I'll let Road send me back here immediately. But I do want to be there to see how things go; but you all need to be careful as well I don't want to loose our family."

Tyki smiled softly and looked over as the servant walked in and he took the ice excusing the servant. "Alright I can live with that; but I'm going to have a Teez on you for safety alright?"

"Fine by me." I smiled softly and leaned back watching as Road gave Tyki then myself a hug before she left and Tyki removed his hat, jacket and shoes and sat by me carefully in bed as I cuddled into him.

I yawned softly and shivered softly as he gently ran his fingers through my hair which was relaxing. I felt him cover me over with a light blanket as I fell asleep hearing his breathing and heart beat as it lulled me to sleep like a song; a calm steady song that was meant specifically for me.

Tyki's P.O.V
Tyki looked to Cora when he felt her lean more against him and he smiled softly as he gently kept running his fingers through her hair as he saw that she finally fell asleep.

He didn't like the idea of her being anywhere near danger; the fact that she was already hurt but wanted to be there when they trapped the exorcists it worried him greatly and it worried his Noah.

He looked up when a soft knock sounded. "Enter." He saw that it was the Earl in his normal clown form.

"Road told me what happened to Cora; and the plan yourself and Road came up with. Are you sure your alright with Cora going with?"

"I'm not alright with it but so long as she stays near myself or Road we can both get her to safety quickly; I was thinking myself and Road would be together at the third door and we'll have it start at a low level and end up at the white tower at the highest point here in the ark. Let them see the ark collapsing and know that their time of demise it close." Tyki spoke seriously but softly so he wouldn't wake up Cora.

"I'll make sure I'm waiting for her then; once she's there I'll bring her to the room you two are sharing and I have worked it so it will suit you both. Road took into consideration what Cora wanted as well like a big bath meant for two people; and her own little area where she can have her medical things."

Tyki smiled softly. "She has lots of books like I do; so it would be best that she had lots of shelf room, and I believe that there is an infirmary room as well if need be."

"Yes there is; be careful Tyki, I believe that Cross will be near by he's already here in Edo and the twins are suppose to deal with him but you know how that can be with him."

"Don't worry Earl; we'll be alright I have a great reason to come back. I can't leave Cora alone; she's already stolen my heart without even trying."

Earl smiled softly seeing the young couple and how protective Tyki and his Noah were of Cora; he could tell that when Tyki or his noah saw her...they saw their entire world in her.

"Perhaps when things calm down afterwards; and everyone is completely healed...we could have a ball and perhaps you could announce her as your girlfriend?"

"Actually I think she'll have a different title before that happens; or maybe I could ask her then and there...but I want to propose to her in a special way for both of us that we will always remember." Tyki smiled softly and kissed Cora's head softly as he held her gently close to let her be comfy and warm.

Earl smiled softly and showed his human form. "I have a feeling she'll say yes; your both perfect for each other. You balance her and she balances you; both halves to a perfect whole. Get some rest Tyki your going to need it if you plan on fighting Allen Walker again; the exorcists are also here in Edo so the attack will be today in a few hours."

Tyki became serious and nodded his head waiting till Earl left before Tyki decided to take his advice and lay down holding Cora as he closed his eyes and easily fell asleep with the woman he loved.

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