Chapter 12

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Cora's P.O.V
This was why I loved Tyki; he knew how to make uncomfortable situations easy to deal with. I nodded my head and pecked his cheek softly with a soft smile on my face. "Thank you for this Tyki."

"Anything for you Cora; I love that your not afraid to say your opinion. I have an idea you wanted to get a view of the ocean correct?"

I looked to him curiously but smiled. "Yes I do." I saw Road's door and giggled following Tyki when he moved through the door and I was curious of what he had in mind and gently held onto his arm.

I was surprised when we exited out of another door and I covered my eyes when the light blinded me for a few seconds but gasped in surprise seeing the ocean as I smiled amazed and looked excited. "This is the best Tyki."

"Well I wanted to make our date special; and I got another for you." Bringing me to a secluded spot where I saw a picnic set up.

I hugged Tyki with tears in my eyes as I smiled. "Tyki this is...this is amazing. You have been listening to what I tell you; I love it thank you Tyki."

Tyki smiled softly and gently hugged back before he pulled back and wiped a tear off of my cheek. "Anything to see you smile my butterfly. Come let's have something to eat then we can walk along the shore for awhile."

"I'd like that Tyki." I walked with him as we sat on the blanket and I helped him as we took out the food and enjoyed the calm breeze. "It's beautiful here."

"There's someone more beautiful then this place." Tyki gave a charming smile as he gave me some food.

I blushed softly at his comment. "Thank you Tyki." I took my time as we started eating and watched the wild life of the area in content.

After we finished eating I couldn't help but remove my shoes and walked to the waters edge giggling feeling the cold water. I noticed Tyki was watching me and I playfully splashed him.

Tyki jumped and smirked before he kicked his shoes off and removed his socks and walked over and I giggled backing up as he chased me and we started a splashing war between each other.

I was having the time of my life as we played and spent in the area until sunset when we packed up and when I shivered I felt a jacket draped around me. "Thank you Tyki; I wonder how you managed to stay single for so long. Your such a gentleman."

"Because I had my eyes on only one butterfly the past few years. I'm glad you enjoyed today." Tyki kisses the back of my hand causing me blush darker then a tomato and he chuckled as he saw the blue. "Such a beautiful blush; for the beautiful butterfly."

"Beautiful? You really think I'm beautiful." I was a little unsure I mean I rarely ever saw myself as beautiful.

Tyki's P.O.V
Tyki was surprised with Cora's question and he gently made her look at him as he was serious. "Your beautiful inside and out Cora; I don't know how you cannot see that. Your kind and caring to people that you meet; you work so hard to be able to help people when their hurt or sick, heck you don't judge people or even pick a class of people. You have kept my secret hidden even when exorcists would show up and I thank you so much for that."

Cora looked to Tyki as he spoke seriously and he was looking to her with his golden eyes that seemed to see into her very soul.

"Why wouldn't I keep your secret? You have been there for me more then many people. I know I didn't ever want to choose a side but...I don't want anything to happen to you Tyki your special to me and you know it." Cora spoke with a blush on her face.

Tyki found her blush amusing as he moved her close to him and nuzzled Cora hearing her gasp softly in surprise. "In the amount of time you have been with this family we have have all become protective of you as well. Why do you think we make sure that when there are missions that your not alone; or we do our best to spend time with you cause we don't want you to feel like your being forgotten I can't stand the thought of my butterfly hurting in any manner. Not like that time."

Cora looked to Tyki as she remembered during one the jobs with the other humans that there had been a major accident at the work place and sadly Cora had ended up getting hurt when one of the men had died and his friend had lashed out hitting Cora which had in return greatly ticked off Tyki.

Sometimes when Tyki was alone he would get lost in his thoughts and when that one came up he swore he could feel his Noah side become riled. Tyki froze when he felt Cora touch his cheek and he looked to her seeing the worry and he smiled softly for her as he gently placed his hand on hers.

"Don't think of the past Tyki; that's where it belongs. I'm safe and I'm here with you now; you know I've been learning how to protect myself more and more so you don't have to worry." Cora spoke as she looked to him worried.

Tyki chuckled softly as he rested his forehead against hers gently. "Your right; that is the past and your much stronger then you were that day. It's just...when your hurt or upset it's more then just the white side of me that gets irritated it's..."

"It's all of you Tyki; that's cause both sides of you care for me and my well being just like I care for you and those that I hold dear to me. I know I would be just as upset if anything happened to anyone; that just means that I have to practice my skills and keep getting stronger so I can protect those dear to me and so that you and everyone else won't have to worry so much about me. It's not fair to anyone not with how busy everyone had been that they or you should worry when you have more important things that need to get done or when you on missions; you don't need to be distracted and get hurt. I don't want to be..." Cora blushed darkly when Tyki pulled her against him.

Tyki knew exactly that Cora was about to call herself a burden and that was on thing that she was wrong about. This strong woman in his arms wasn't a burden but a blessing. "Every time you start calling yourself or do call yourself a burden I promise I will punish you even if it means tickles, or hiding your medical things. There is no such thing as a burden in this family; your still learning your gifts and your weapons it's normal to make mistakes that's why you have me and everyone's so when you fall or make a mistake we can be there to help you with those problems."

Tyki Mikk x OCWhere stories live. Discover now