Chapter 22

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Cora's P.O.V
I woke up during the evening around six when a servant entered with food and I thanked the servant as she left and I got up grabbing some water for Tyki first. I put a straw in a glass of water and walked over sitting by Tyki gently. "Tyki I need you to drink love." Gently propping him as I moved so he could drink and I was mindful of his wounds.

I smiled softly as he drank the water slowly and he pulled away when he had enough. I set the water to the side and fluffed his pillows before letting him lay back down; as I went to move I felt him hold my right hand and I looked smiling softly kissing his cheek softly.

"Th-this is what a guy likes; to wake up to the most beautiful woman in the world giving him a kiss." Tyki spoke softly as he tiredly woke up.

I giggled at his words. "Well what can I stay? I have a hot guy as my patient I've been loving every minute of this. Except your badly wounded babe; I mean really bad." Tears in my eyes as I thought I would loose him.

Tyki sat up with my help and I made sure that he didn't hurt himself anymore or re-open his wounds. I gasped when Tyki made me sit with him as he was comfy again. "I'm sorry my love I didn't mean to scare you; did Joyde behave with you?"

"Yeah he was unconscious pretty much the entire time that I was working on you both. He had waited till you were stabilized before he retreated to rest; he took a good amount of damage as well."

"At least I made it back...wh-where's Road? Is she alright?" Tyki spoke looking worried as he looked around.

I looked down sadly and shook my head. "She was defeated by Bookman junior; I don't know how long it will take for her to return back to her physical form." I felt Tyki tense and moved to use my healing as Tyki flared out a burst of power when pain hit him right away and I had a barrier around me and I winced since this was draining for me. "Tyki..." I knew between his physical wounds and finding out about Road I had to be careful.

I moved so I was sitting in front of him and gently made him look at me. "Tyki; please I need you to calm down." Keeping my barrier up and flinched when all glass broke before I felt my barrier shatter and yelped feeling my arm get cut by glass.

Tyki snapped out of it and I saw his pain and fear when he saw he hurt me; I knew it wasn't on purpose and I moved hugging him gently close. "C-Cora."

"Shh Tyki; I'm alright it's only a minor scratch nothing to worry about I can tend to it easily." Hearing the door open and knew it was the Earl.

Earl sighed softly seeing the damage as he walked over and saw my wound. "Are you both alright?"

"Yes just a minor wound nothing to cry over." I held one of Tyki's hands in hope that he would remain calm but I knew that right now I had to be strong for the both of us no matter what.

"Tend to your wound my dear; it will only rile Joyde up." Earl got Tyki to calm and I moved closing my eyes to call on what bit of strength I had left to heal myself which sadly at this point wasn't much and I was upset with myself that I wasn't stronger, I wasn't able to keep this family safe. I wrapped the wound since I couldn't fully heal it and I needed to make sure no infection would set in.

"Cora? Are you alright?" Tyki finally spoke up and I nodded my head easily faking a smile for him and the Earl.

"Yeah; just feeling a little exhausted. I've used all my power and strength to keep healing you Tyki." I went to sit in the chair when Tyki gently brought me close to him.

"I'll have a servant bring you both food; try to get some rest Cora." Earl spoke as he left closing the door behind himself.

Tyki waited till I was laying down with him and I made sure not to cuddle into him due to his wounds. But it didn't stop him from making me look at him and it was easy to see that he was serious. "I know you Cora; I saw that look of despair on your face. What's really wrong?"

I flinched a little as I bit my lip looking to Tyki and then back down to his wounds; I worked to fight back tears. "Just how useless I am."

Tyki frowned and made me look to him I had to admit the long hair didn't help but make him look more handsome. Tyki smirked seeing the blush and he kissed me softly. "Your no burden; you did as I asked of you. Myself and Road knew that you would be safe and if you were safe we knew that medical help would be here waiting for us. I know you would have started to break but you would have held it in; I know you Cora your no burden I'm alive cause of you. I'm going to need you to help me now more then ever to heal; but you also need to take care of yourself as well and I can bet you haven't slept to much have you?"

"I don't think I've even slept yet; and if I have it's not for very long periods. I guess I'm scared; I don't want to be alone again." I gasped when Tyki held me close and covered us.

"I'll never let that happen again and neither will this family. Now please rest you need it and I can see it; did you even take care of yourself by eating or drinking?"

"Yes I did; the Earl made sure I did. And I knew that when I took care of myself then I would be able to take care of you as well." I yawned softly and felt Tyki gently rubbing my back as I made sure that I didn't hurt him any as I made myself comfy.

Tyki chuckled softly and kissed my head as he watched my get comfy and close my eyes falling asleep against him. "Goodnight my sweet butterfly." Tyki was glad that I had fallen asleep and wasn't afraid of neither him nor Joyde; it showed that I did belong in this family...this family that adopted me as one of their own.

Tyki Mikk x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ