The Start

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It was December 31st 2021, New Year's Eve. I had been planning on going out but didn't know where to go. At 11:00 am I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Tobi (from the sidemen).

I answered "hello". "Yo you only up?" Tobi asked. "Yeah why what's up?" I ask. "Just wanted to see if you wanted to come out with me tonight? all the boys are going with their girls of course and some other you-tubers you can meet, you up for it?" he asked. "Yeah sure why not." I reply. "Okay I'll pick you up around 8:00 is that alright" he asked. "Yup that's fine see you then." I answer. "See ya." The call ended.

After that I decided to get out of bed and make some breakfast. I walked downstairs to my gorgeous baby Koda. (Koda is your pet dog, he's a black and white husky and is only 2 years old. He's very well trained and only listens to you.) I fed him his breakfast before going into the kitchen and making myself some breakfast. I grabbed myself a bowl of cereal and go and sit down in the living room. I turned the tv on and started watching some Netflix. A few minutes later I got a text from Talia Mar.

"Hey girly, heard your coming out tonight with us xx" I read. "Yeah i'm so excited a night out was badly needed from me🙄" I replied. "Haha same, just wanted to see if you wanted to go out shopping with me for a dress, i've worn everything I can so this is a need." she asked. "Of course i'll never turn down that offer haha, what time you looking to leave?" I ask. "1:00 is good with me wbu?" she asks. "Fine by me i'll come pick you up then and we'll be on our way ha" "See you then xx" she ended.

After I finished eating my breakfast I sat on my phone for a bit before going up to my room to get ready for shopping. I walked upstairs and threw on a pair of some black gym-shark leggings and a green nike jumper. I put my hair up in a messy bun and put on some perfume, mascara and clear lipgloss. By now it was 12:30 so I said bye to my dog and left to go pick up Talia. I got to her apartment at 12:50 and she was all ready to leave for the mall.

"Do you have any ideas for what dress you wanna wear?" I ask Talia. "Not really to be honest i'm just hoping I can find something that makes me look hot haha" she laughed. "What about you, anything in mind?" she asks. "You look hot in everything babe, and not really I was thinking of wearing something red but i'm not too picky" I replied.

Niko OmilanaWhere stories live. Discover now