Gender revealed

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Time flies so fast before you know it, and here I am at Dr. Carlyle finding out the gender of my pups. Yeah, you heard right, pups.

I went for a checkup before, and he told me I was having more than one pup, three of them! Can you believe it? My belly was so huge that it made me feel like I was about to lose balance any minute. The closer I get to my due date, which is in a week, the more I became uncomfortable.

Everyone tried to make sure I was comfortable, knowing how stressed I could get because of my size. Lex was right. It was comical. I bet she was laughing and taking videos of me whenever I'm not looking.

I sighed as I lay down on the bed waiting for Dr. Carlyle to get ready.

“Ok, let's get started.” He said, and I nodded my head. Jacob smiled at me and kissed me on my forehead, trying to give me as much comfort as he could.

“So, from what I can tell, it seems as if you're having boys.” My eyes became wide at the thought of having three boys. Jacob gasped next to me, probably thinking how much trouble they were going to give us, just like me.

“B-boys, are you sure?” Jacob asked, and Dr. Carlyle chuckled.

“Yeah, from the looks of it, congratulations, by the way.” He smiled, and we left shortly after, still in a daze because of the news.

“I hope they are more like me than you.” I shot Jacob a look after what he said, and he chuckled.

“I mean, you recently stopped giving us hell. Even at the age of eighteen, you act more like a toddler.” I guess he was right, but he didn't have to say anything about it.

I had recently celebrated my birthday and had received many gifts, so much that I didn't know where to put most of them. I had fun too because everyone I knew and cared for was there to celebrate it with me.

I changed after I spoke to Jeremiah and Claire. I wasn't getting myself in trouble anymore, and I tried my best to listen to Jacob and my family, as much as it was hard for me to do.

I even went back to check on the omegas to make sure they were ok. Malachi and Micah came with us as well, and I recently learned that Malachi was mated to cale and Connor, which was shocking.

Only Jacob knew about it, that was ok with me. We made it our duty to go and check on the rest of the omegas there. Even Jacob had his hands full trying to speed up their healing process, which was taking longer than normal.

“What are you thinking about?” Jacob asked after being quiet for a few seconds.

“Just how strange life can be. You come into this world not knowing whether you will be happy or not. I now realize how lucky I am to have you and my family around to take care of me, or I wouldn't know what would happen if I didn't have anyone.” He sighed and smiled at me while taking my hand in his.

“It's going to be alright going forward, I'll make sure everyone gets a happy life because that's what I was placed here on earth to do. I have to take my job seriously, even if it means I have to be away from you for a few hours.” He pouted, and I laughed.

We made our way back to the pack house with a lot on our mind. We were both having three boys, we had to come up with a way to surprise everyone because they wanted to know bad. I had to stop them from coming with us today because I wanted it to be for only Jacob and me.

“We have to think of other names now.” I agreed with him and furrowed my brows.

“Um, how about Greyson, Jaxon, and Mason?” I asked, and he seemed to be thinking about it.

“I guess they are cool names, kind of matched as well.” He replied, and I laughed.

“What were you thinking about?” I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Carl, junior or Adam.” I narrowed my eyes at him and started laughing.

“Imagine calling for them with those names. Carllllllllll!” I shouted while chuckling.

“Ok, I think we can stick to yours. It's kind of growing on me now. Greyson, Jaxon, and Mason Valentine.” I nodded my head and sighed as I got in bed while groaning at how heavy I was already.

“If I'm being honest, I can't wait for them to get out of me already, I want to go back to the way I was before.” I whined, which had him laughing while massaging my feet.

“What if you get pregnant again?” I narrowed my eyes at him because I didn't see that happening at all. Three is more than enough.

“I've been meaning to ask you. Since those omegas at omega Ville were accepted into your pack, wouldn't that make them immortal as well?” He shook his head and looked at me.

“No. They aren't rightfully from my pack or your pack, so they won't be immortal unless…" he paused, and I urged him to go on.

“Unless I used a spell I have.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“If it was that easy, why didn't you do that?” I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Like I told my parents before, I can't trust anyone as yet regardless of what they went through. It will take me a while before I can get over that, but for now, it has to remain how it is.” I glared at him and told him to leave my feet alone, I wanted to have Claire and Jeremiah here with me for thousandths of years without losing anyone of them. They have come to mean a lot to me, not as much as Micah but close.

“If you love me, you'll do it.” He groaned while shaking his head, not believing I had just pulled that card.

“Fine, I'll do it, but if it backfires on you, don't come crying to me.” He huffed, and I rolled my eyes, knowing damn well that nothing would happen.

'Hey, how did it go?' Micah asked through mind link, and I smiled.

'It went great, actually! I'm planning on telling everyone soon.' He chuckled and told me ok while closing the link. Micah only just started to open up a little more after what Landon did to him.

They were still on bad terms and going at each other's throat constantly, but I guess there was nothing I could do about it. Micah was stubborn when he didn't get his way. He won't listen to us, so we left him alone to make up his mind.

He knew that we were here for him no matter what. I was happy things were somewhat normal now. We haven't seen any more rogues near our border, as the news went around quickly because of what Jacob did.

He was now known as the fearless alpha, one that shouldn't be messed with. I smiled as I realized just how far we have come. Now I don't have anything to worry about anymore, and I can go on living my life as days go by.

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