Annoyance and temper problems

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I'm done. So done. I don't think I can exist on this earth anymore. After mating with Jacob, I made a vow to myself not to do this again for a long time. I was exhausted and in pain, something he was responsible for, so I was going to punish him by holding out on him.

“Ugh, I've never felt so much pain in my ass and back before.” I grumbled as Jacob was getting ready to take us home. I had just come out of the bathtub and was enjoying the warm water until he came and told me it was time to get dressed. I shot him a glare and have been glaring at him for over five minutes now until he caved and asked me what was wrong.

I decided to give him the silent treatment, but snow threatened to tell him about what Micah and I did at Marcus's that I had to pretend that everything was alright when all I wanted to do was beat the hell out of Jacob for letting me be in so much pain. How will my parents handle seeing me limping? I don't even want to get started on them. It's so good that my brothers will be arriving tomorrow, or I would be locked up once more. We started our trek back to the pack house with me complaining about every move I made, which irritated the hell out of Jacob.

“Ok, that's it, shift.” He said, and I looked at him like he lost his mind.

“I said shift, I know that snow wouldn't be a bitch like you and can take any pain, shift so that I won't have to hear you complaining so damn much.” Wow, was he talking to me like that after I gave him my ass?

“You know what, I think I'll continue this journey by myself, you dipshit!” Gosh, I think Micah is rubbing off on me. He rolled his eyes and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder while I tried my best to pound on his back to get him to put me down, but he didn't budge. His warriors kept a distance from us, but I could tell they were amused at the situation. When did those mutts get here? They should learn to mind their own business. I decided not to say anything to him and let him carry me. It was better than walking, though.

When we arrived at the pack house, he took me to his room and threw me on the bed, then got on top of me. I had to come up with something else to distract him because if he thought he was going to get some, then he thought wrong.

“You know, those chocolates you got me were mighty tasty, I wouldn't mind getting some more of it.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, and he groaned and got up off me.

“Seriously? Now?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

“Fine, but you owe me.” I nodded my head and watched as he walked away while grumbling about being tired. Serves him right for talking to me like that. Mom and dad chose that moment to visit me to make sure I was alright. It's a good thing I was lying down, so they wouldn't see me limping.

“You're all grown up now, got yourself a toy. I should shoot him for corrupting your young mind.” Dad said, and I could tell he was serious.

“Dad, you can't harm him. Remember, I'm his mate now, so I would only feel what he's feeling, and I would be in pain if anything happens to him.” He sighed in defeat and looked at mom for help.

“Hunny, remember, you were the one who also corrupted my mind. I was sixteen when I met you, and you were eighteen. You didn't wait to mate and marked me as yours.” Now that was something I didn't want to know.

“Mom TMI, now if you're done here, I'm going to call Micah since I miss my best friend and all.” They both kissed me on my forehead and then left, but not after letting me see dad grabbing mom on her ass as she was laughing, the hell? I mind link Micah to meet me here, and he said he was on his way. I wanted to know what he was up to when I wasn't here and if there was any progress with Landon. It didn't take him too long to get here, so he ran up to me when he saw me and tackled me for a hug.

“I missed you so much! This place wasn't the same without you. I can promise you that.” I chuckled as he got comfortable in bed next to me.

“What happened while I was away? I know I've only been gone for a day, but I want to know.” He started chewing his lips, which looked kissable as hell right now. What the…I know Micah and I used to kiss, but where did that thought come from?

“Landon is still being his possessive self, and no, we haven't mated as yet. So you know Cory, right?” He asked, and I nodded my head. Cory is another omega like me, but he helps out most of the time around the pack house whenever he can. His parents would make sure that he's ok, and he's just as spoiled as I am, but I guess no one can beat me.

“Well, I was helping Cory in the kitchen, and I accidentally brushed against him, which caused him to blush. I just said to myself, oh, he's cute.” I wish I could kiss him. Forgetting to block my thoughts and Landon heard it. Let's just say I got a spanking of a lifetime, and I would never think like that again.” I was concerned about him because I could see that he wasn't happy. Landon was only making a joke of himself. He should be cherishing Micah instead of treating him poorly.

“He'll come around, Micah. I just hope for your sake.” He shrugged his shoulders and asked me how my mating went, and I told him everything. We didn't keep anything from each other, we are always sharing things that weren't meant to be shared. He was blushing by the time I was done, and I had to laugh at the look on his face. Jacob came back with three boxes of chocolates, and when he saw Micah in bed with me, he started growling, letting his dominance out, which had me baring my neck to him. Micah didn't like that and growled back at him, and it would have led to a full-on fight if I hadn't stopped it.

“It's ok, Jacob. We do this all the time.” I said, and he shot me a look.

“You are mine now, so certain things will be cut out from now on.” I glared at him, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Yeah, like our sex life, if you don't back the hell up and leave Micah alone!” I shouted, and I could see that he was shocked by the way I had just spoken to him. I know he was territorial about his space, but he didn't have to treat Micah like that. That's where I draw the line.

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