The party

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“Yesterday was so fun! At least I could finally go somewhere with my family who didn't have a problem with it!” I squealed and started jumping up and down as Micah shook his head at me while smiling.

“And today will be even better, I'm finally useful around this place for once. I get to set up decorations for Malachi's birthday party.” I felt like I was in a sugar rush, I was extremely hyper, which didn't go unnoticed by my brothers and mate who were watching me closely.

“You're so weird, we are doing most of the work, and yet still, you are having fun.” Micah grumbled as he started placing the cups on the table.

“Not weird, just happy.” I replied, and he chuckled.

“Hey, guys, want to try some of this?” Marcus asked as he walked up to us. Oh yeah, Marcus and manny were also invited, since they invited the entire pack to the party. Even though Jacob didn't like it, he didn't have any say in it.

“What's that?” I asked as I looked at the liquid that was in a jug.

“You've never had eggnog before?” Marcus asked with a sly look on his face. I shook my head, and he grabbed two of the cups that were on the table and poured some in them.

“Trust me, it's good.” Micah was looking at it like he didn't trust it because, well, this was Marcus we are talking about. What if he laced it with something?

“I don't think we should drink it.” I agreed with Micah while pouting because it looks so damn good. It was too good for me to turn down, but I wanted to enjoy the party without being intoxicated.

“I'll just leave it here in case you change your mind, and remember don't tell anyone I was the one who gave it to you.” He walked away from us while I asked Micah to get rid of it before anyone finds out. I wouldn't want to get locked up, all because of Marcus and his stupid ideas.

“Ok, I think everything is set.” Jacob said as he walked up to me and put his arms around my waist.

“Wasn't Micah just here with you?” He asked, and I nodded my head.

“Yeah, he'll be right back.” I replied while trying to get out of his hold.

“What did Marcus want?” My eyes became wide as I tried to think of a lie to tell him. What did Marcus want? Shoot, why can't I think of anything?

'Your brain is of no use, but your body can be a distraction.' Snow said, and I don't even know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, right? So I started grinding my hips against him. I didn't miss the moan that escaped his lips as I continued to move my hips in a circular motion.

“Arlo, if you don't stop right now, we'll be giving your family a show.” I pulled away from him and released a nervous chuckle.

“After the party, I'll give you what you want.” I didn't say anything as I watched him walk away from me.

'Thanks for the save snow.' He grunted in return, and I went back to doing what I was doing. Micah walked up to me and started looking around, making sure that everything was alright.

“I think everything looks alright. We should go and get ready.” I nodded my head and left with Micah, but not before informing all of my overprotective family and mate where I was going.

“What did you do with the eggnog?” I asked, and Micah smirked in return.

“Gave it to old man Jenkins, he saw it and couldn't resist, so….” I narrowed my eyes at him because I couldn't tell whether he was serious or not by the smirk that was still on his face.

“I hope that was a stupid joke and nothing more. Even though Jenkins is seventy and immortal, nothing would happen to him. But that doesn't mean you should mess with the elderly like that.” He only scoffed and shook his head.

“And what made you so pure? The last time I checked, you would have given it to one of the pups if it was left up to you.” I looked down, feeling guilty because I wasn't such a nice person after all.

After we separated, I made my way to my room, so I could get ready for the party. It's supposed to start in one hour, so I had to hurry through my shower and find something decent to wear.

I was walking around with just a towel wrapped around my waist when Jacob entered the room and growled when he saw my partially nude form. I shivered at the sound and held my hand up to stop him from advancing on me like I was prey.

“I'm not going to miss the party for some cheap sex, Jacob.” I said, and he stopped and looked at me with his eyebrow raised, as if he was  confused.

“Cheap sex? Do you know how many people would pay me to have sex with me? I would be a billionaire by now. Thank you very much.” I laughed and started getting dressed while he was pouting and acting disappointed.

“You were the one who was grinding on me before, but now you won't put out?” He asked, and I stopped what I was doing and rolled my eyes.

“Not everything is about sex, you know. What gave you that impression that I was using that has a way of wanting to have sex with you?” He shrugged his shoulders and looked down.

“Well, next time, don't grind on me then.” I chuckled as I watched him walk out. What? I was just messing around with him. Of course, I was going to have sex with him after the party.

Please remember that the full moon was still here, so I was still sort of horny because of it. After I got dressed, I made my way downstairs and saw that the DJ was already here playing music. I ran up to Malachi, who was crying because of the surprise he got, and hugged him.

“Happy birthday, kai.” He laughed at his nickname and said thank you. This was one of the best birthday parties ever, and we made sure to make it special for Malachi because he deserved it because of what he had been through.

I did enjoy myself. We all did. It's good to see my family not being so overprotective of me and allowing me to do certain things they have never allowed me to do before. Some things were changing, and I'm happy with the way things were turning out.

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