A reckless plan

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Finally, my brothers decided to take their mates out for a two day trip, so I only had my parents here who won't be able to watch me all the time. Hmm, what's the first thing I should do? After my run with Jacob, he left me with Micah and Landon, saying he had to talk to his parents about something important and that it couldn't wait. I knew he intended to mate with me tonight, so I was nervous. I only needed to do one last thing before I'm bound to Jacob for life.

“Come on, Micah, we don't have any school, and all we do is stay here at the pack house being watched like a hawk. It's a good thing your family doesn't live here, or we wouldn't be able to escape them. Now I want to do something fun, so please come up with something, anything, I beg you!” He chuckled and furrowed his brows.

“I don't know what to do. Maybe we could get high? I've always wanted to do that.” He suggested, and I looked at him like he was crazy.

“You do know that Jacob would kill me if he finds out we were doing drugs, plus we will be mating tonight, remember?” I asked, and he nodded his head.

“But we could still try. My cousin knows how to make one of those joint thingy, so we could do one pull, and that's it.” I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

'It certainly would hurt if Jacob finds out, but I won't tell him because I want to try as well.' Snow said, making me excited. At least he was on my side. After we lied to Landon about going on a run, We made our way to Micah's cousin's house, and I just realized something.

“Hey, did you tell your parents about Landon? And why aren't they over here fussing about it?” I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“The pack house is like my second home, so they know that I'm safe here. I've been here for over a month before they realized where I was, most of the time I don't think they give a damn about me, but other times I would say to myself that it was because they knew your brothers wouldn't let anything happen to me.” I nodded my head because it was true. Micah practically lived at the pack house with me, so it was nothing new if he had been there for a long time.

“Plus, I haven't told them about Landon as yet because I wanted to figure out what to do with him first. I'm still mad at him for marking me without my consent and trying to control me, so I have a lot of thinking to do first.” I sighed because I still felt bad for him. No one should be forced to do something they don't want to do.

We arrived at Micah's cousin's house and saw that he was home, good because I wanted to try this. Micah rang the doorbell, and Marcus answered it, and right away, I could tell he was high, sweet. We didn't mind link him because we wanted it to be a surprise visit.

“Hey, dudes, what are you doing here?” He asked as he pulled Micah in for a hug. Marcus is a tall black guy with dreads. He thinks he's a Jamaican most times and was trying to speak patois, but he sucks at it big time.

“Marcus, long time, don't see. Can we ask you a big favor?” He nodded his head and told us to come in.

“So, wah, can I do for you?” See what I'm talking about? He was listening to Bob Marley's song three little birds, and I wanted to sing along, but we had a purpose here, one that couldn't wait. After we explained to him what we wanted, he pulled us towards the living room, where his mate was getting high with him.

“Manny, these two want to try some weed, roll it up, will you?” Manny nodded his head and got to work. I watched with wide eyes as he finished in no time, then handed one to me and the other to Micah.

“Uh, what should we do now?” Micah asked while staring at it. They started laughing at him while Marcus took out his lighter and lit it for us.

“Take your time and pull on it. Make sure not to pull too hard, or you will only choke. Wow, that sounded sexual.” Manny said, and I rolled my eyes as I did what he told us. We originally said we wanted one pull, but damn this was fun.

'Stop now, remember Jacob.' Snow said, and I agreed with him.

“Uh, Micah, I think that's enough.” Micah was going at it like it was the best thing he had ever experienced in his life. I had to admit it was good, but I didn't want to get high and risk punishment from Jacob.

“Thanks guys, this meant a lot to us.” Micah said, and we left after saying goodbye.

“Wow, that was fun. Now I need to get rid of the smell off me.” Micah agreed with me, and we both started giggling like we said something funny. What the heck?

“I enjoyed doing that, we should visit Marcus again soon, let's go say hi to my parents. I hope this turtle-neck I'm wearing will be enough to hide my mark.” I nodded my head, which suddenly felt heavy, and I swayed a bit.

“That was some strong shit, right?” I asked, and Micah agreed with me. I only hope that I can freshen up at Micah's parent's house before heading back home, so Jacob wouldn't find out. I don't know what he'll do to us, but I don't want another repeat of what he did last time.

But would it kill to live a little? I guess not. Because this wasn't going to be the last time we got into trouble, our mates better watch out because we were going to give them hell and make sure they realized there's no stopping us.

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