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Warning: Blood, gore, fighting, sharp object. Mentions of mobs, gangs, guns (a lot of stuff is happening lol)

You were wiping down the bar counter. You had just finished your show and were serving drinks. But at the moment no one had ordered anything. Once you had finished wiping it down, you start cleaning cups. Suddenly the chair in front of you slid out. " What can I get for you?" You said before finally looking up at the cup to make eye contact with bright blue eyes. You smirked a bit, " Nice seeing you again." You said to the familiar animal.

He chuckles before running his hand through his fur. He then hums before tapping the counter. "I'll have a whiskey." Classified said as he continued to tap the counter. You simply hummed before chuckling a bit, making him raise a brow at you." Something the matter?" He asked as he took a sip of the drink. " Nothing, I'd just found it funny how I saw you to be the type of guy that drinks whiskey." You said, holding the small smile on your face. Classified rolled his eyes a bit before showing a small smile. He quickly covered it up by taking a gulp of his drink.

Next thing you know, the chair next to Classified slides out. You look over to make eye contact to forest green eyes. Before he could even order, you simply pulled out the bottle and poured it into the cup. Soon placing it in front of him. The tiger smirked before glancing at Classified who had a confused and disbelief look on his face. "What can I say, she knows me well." A slight purr could be heard after each word of his sentence. The Russian tiger side glanced at Classified, noticing the jealousy in his eyes, along with the low growl that emitted from his throat.

The music filled in the silence before sudden argument burst out between two animals. You rolled your eyes before continuing to serve drinks and refill cups. Suddenly one of the animals that was arguing snapped their fingers. Two large mammals step up and all broke loose. Innocent animals scattered for cover as the two animals and their members continued to fight.

You stared at them both as the remained in their seats. You just raised a brow and stared at the as you casually refilling their drinks, watching the fight in the process. Suddenly, a knife flew in your direction, the blade heading straight for your head. Before it could even make contact, you quickly caught it by the handle. You raised your brow as you look to see if it had a symbol on it.

Classified and Vitaly's eyes turned into slits. They both suddenly turned around and pulled out guns. Your ears shot up in surprise (if your animal has ears.) Two gang members froze mid way towards them. They two animals had been planing to attack, but their plans were foiled when someone made the mistake of throwing a knife at you.

Vitaly and Classified soon go into action, fighting off gang members that came on their direction. Classified slammed one of the members onto the table, making them groan out in pain. "You got something there." You said as you wiped some blood from his cheek. "Thanks love." He said sending you a quick wink before going back to fight. You quickly duct down to avoid a flying chair. Vitaly was slammed onto the counter. He started getting punched in the face, but also punched back with twice the strength.

You stand back up with a green glass bottle. "Here." You placed it in Vitaly's hand, " Thanks Kitten." He said before smashing it onto the other animals head and pushing him off. Finally the fight was over and both Vitaly and Classified stood, panting heavily. Classified fixes his turtle neck while Vitaly fixes the cuffs of his shirt.

You place the final two good glass cups in front of each one before pouring the only drink that didn't break. "Finish up and meet me in the back." You said before walking off. Both of them raised a brow before going back to drinking. A few minutes pass and they finally finish their drink. They both head to the back, " In the bathroom!" You called out to them. They both glance at each other once again before following the way your voice came from.

"Someone's gotta tend to your wounds." You said before grabbing Vitaly's paw and making him sit on the sink (like a public bathroom, the ones that have more then one sink.) Classified huffed before sitting on a chair you had brought in and waited with his arms crossed. Vitaly hissed softly as you started to clean the bridge of his nose. "Sorry..." You whispered softly as you concentrated on his nose. A blush soon appears on his face at the close distance you two have.

He glances away, only for his eyes return to your face. He couldn't help but be attracted by not only your beauty, but your kindness and so much more. What he didn't know was that Classified was also thinking and feeling the same way.

What you didn't know was that they both would do anything for you. Whether having to pay for your food, to having to fight mobs and crimes, just to protect you.

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