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You rubbed your eyes as you leaned against the counter. You were working your morning job at a baking shop. Usually you were excited, but today you were exhausted. The bell rang and you looked up and straightened up. Vitaly walked through the door as he continued to look at him phone. He had a tight shirt on and dang did he look good. A blush spread across your face as you looked at him. He looked up as he got up to the counter, " One coffee please. " You simply nodded as you started on his order. "Looking good Vitaly. " You said as your tail (if you have one) swayed. He simply nodded his head. You nodded once again, then placing his drink down and going to the register. "Will that be all? " " Da. " You place the coffee order into the machine, giving him the total price, smiling a bit during the process.

Soon he handed you the money and sat at one of the tables. Since no one came in, you quickly went to the back and started to calm your face down. His voice sounded even deeper in the mornings, and oh my gosh you almost pass out right then and there. You took a few deep breaths before going back to the counter. You rubbed your eyes and waited, Classified soon walked in. He had another turtle neck and clear glasses on (like the outer part of the glasses are clear). 'Dang they both look good. ' " One tea please. " He said as he looked up from his watch and saw it was you. " Oh. Good morning Miss. Y/n." You gave him a confused look at the Miss part. "Miss? Just call me Y/n, or N/n (if you have one). " You said, giving him a smile as you went to the back and made the tea.

As you made the tea, you heard the bell of the door ring, making your ears twitch a bit. You finish the tea and brought it to the counter, giving it to Classified, who thanked you and went to sit down. You groan mentally when you saw the group that came in. "Hey sweet cheeks! " You rolled your eyes at the name the alligator gave you. "What is your order Gator. " He gave a smirk before glancing back at his group of friends. " Me and the boys will have two cups of coffee each and some of your glazed donuts. " You put the same order as usual, " That would be 115.35." You said, earning an eyebrow raise. "Woaah come on sweet cheeks! What's with the high number? " " Well since there are more then usual and you eached ordered two cups of coffee and ordering donuts... Well that answers the rest. " You said as you kept eye contact with the alligator. He had a surprised look before letting out a laugh. "Welp that's gonna hurt. I feel bad for the one who's paying. " You froze, he did this on purpose this time. "That's all the money I've been saving!" You whispered yelled. "That's not my problem. " He said. Your eyes widened before you pulled out your money, your paws shooked as you did, not out of fear, but anger. 'I can't believe I do this ever time. ' " Excuse me sir. I don't think you should make a lady pay for your meal. " You looked up to see Classified standing next to the counter as his arms were crossed.

"What's it to you dog. " " Wolf actually and I just so happen to hear your making this young lady pay. It seems as if you had never gone on a date. " Classified said in a straight face. You covered your mouth, glancing at Vitaly who was standing near the table, wearing a smirk on his face. Gator glared at him. "Listen, I don't care what you think. She's paying for me because women are supposed to be--" You punched him in the snout, knocking a tooth out, making him fall to the ground. Classified soon pulled out a badge. " Agent Classified and you are now under arrest. Whatever you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, but if can't afford one (I forgot and don't know the rest... Lol I was doing this buy memory.)

Classified handcuffed him and stood him up. "I'll take it from here ma'am." You nodded. "And for the rest of you, if I ever catch any of you doing and or saying the same thing, you will also end up in jail you you buddy. " He said as he  pushed him out the shop and into his car. The friends turned back to you, only to make eye contact with Vitaly. " Pop off. " He said glaring at them. The friends quickly rushed off. "Thanks." Vitaly rolled his eyes. " I did nothing, you should be thanking doggy when ever you see him. " He said as he walked out of the shop. You let out a sigh as you canceled the order and chose to close the shop (yes this is your shop.).

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