The party

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"Rueeeee" i shout from upstairs as i hear the door open.
"cominggg" she replies
"you ready to get fucked up tonight?"
"I sure am" She says " And my mom says i can stay hear tonight because shes trusting me or some shit, fuck that trust."
"yeah fuck that."

We get ready while blasting music, Rue just wears a top and some jeans, shes not a party type of girl i guess, i mean she never has been.
I put on a pink silky dress and some small heels, i curl my long hair and toss some bronzer and mascara on. My skin finally cleared up when i quit drugs, damn clear skin is one think im gonna miss.

Rue looks about and finds the drugs, and holds them up next to her face.
"you ready?"
"fuck yeah"
i smile.

We take as much as we can physically handle without dying, and it hits hard and fast, leaving you breathless, euphoric, not remembering or caring what the fuck you say to anyone, dangerous really.

We walk to Nates house, the idiot throwing the party. I genuinely hate him, like i've never hated someone more. He tried to rape me once, no exaggeration there. Before i got taken into rehab i did some hardcore shit and as u can imagine, didn't know what the fuck i was doing, i just knew i did not want to fuck Nate Jacobs. My body count is only 2, and he is not taking number 3's spot.

But we are going anyways, who cares, he's with maddy now anyways, or so i think? their relationship is just too confusing to keep up with.

You can tell which house it is from a good mile away, Music is blasting and the smell of alcohol and weed is poisonous. As we walk in we get a few heys, and hellos, mostly from Cassie and Kat, Maddy is no where to be seen, however Nate is making out with some girl, obviously maddy wouldn't be too happy if she saw that, so its best shes not around as of right now.

I take a bottle of vodka as Rue wonders off, i pour myself 7 shots and down them all, maybe it was a few too many to start with, but i came here to celebrate leaving rehab, right? But my god, it hits me fast. Before i know it i can barely walk in a straight line, my breath reeks of vodka and my pupils are dilated as hell, fuck rehab.

I stubble outside and have to push my way past the crowds accumulating at the doors, I trip over some guys foot and almost go flying into the pool, however i feel two rough, big hands grip my wrists.

I look up to see fez staring at me with a joint hanging out of his mouth.

"Heyyyy fezzzzz" i say, in a very drunk manner.
"Shit melody, sit down"

he pulls me over to this couch outside and sits me down. Suddenly he grabs a hold of my chin and looks into my eyes, i definitely look insane. But wow, his eyes are beautiful. I let out a small giggle without realising. Whoops?
"yo your pupils?" he says slowly, i never realised how slow he talks until now.
"never said i would stay sober now did I." i say slurring my words.
he sits down closely next to me, making me feel comfy and safe

i stare into the kitchen as some sort of scene breaks out, some crazy bitch was threatening Nate with a knife, i mean, good for her. I think shes new here, ive never heard of her or seen her before, Rue definitely seems intrigued because she follows the girl out front. I turn back to fez and just look at him for a few moments.

"you okay there kid?"

" yeah, just happy." I smile.

he chuckles and then looks back at me, taking a draw from his joint and breathing it back out, all while holding eye contact.

" your moms gonna know, your fucked mel"

i love when he calls me mel.

i laugh and say " I aint got a mom fez, or a dad"
his smile fades and he looks at me, really looks at me, almost as if he's looking through me.
" who you live with then?" he sounds curious.
" Nobody. Well, my sister is 22, and shes legally my guardian now, but she lives with her boyfriend, so its just me."

" that aint safe bro, how you finna get home"
"Rues taking me!" i say happily, god i love her.

All of a sudden Fez gets up and walks out the front door. I scoff to myself and shake my head, concluding that he just left me, however he returns 10 seconds later and sits back down.

"uhhh Mel, Rue just left with some chick on a bike, I think it was the one who held that knife up to Nate, I think she said her name was Jewel or some shit"

"Well thats fucking great." i say, genuinely sounding a bit too angry then i should, but this was supposed to be mine and Rues night, she was supposed to sleep at mine, this was our night celebrating our freedom. Fuck that man.

I let a tear roll down my cheek even though i fucking hate crying infront of people. I think Fez sees.

" Hey Ill take you home, I aint got a ride but ill walk you"

"Thanks fez. Can we leave now, im not really in a party mood anymore."

"Yeah sure, neither am I."

What a shit celebration party, thanks Rue.

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