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Ok I was nominated by C_R_A_Z_E_D to do my life life story :3
Here we go!

I was born in Mississauga Ontario in Canada, on November 14th. All things were swell :D until I hit kindergarten. .. my parents started to fight alot, and I was always in the middle of it. One night they were so mad that they broke up.

I was only 5 years old when this happened, that's why I hate it when people who love each other fight. I was now switching between my parents,  weekends with my mother, and week days with dad.

When I hit grade 1 my dad got a girlfriend, and my mom got a boyfriend. They were both close friends of theirs, they were both there for me since I was a baby. My dad's girlfriend had a son that was also with me.

He is now my step brother. When my dad got married, my mom had my half sister. My mom got married in 2013 to my step dad, who I'm very close to :3. We make songs together, and make up weird nicknames for each other.

Going to grade 5, this is the first time I'm saying this but... I used to cut in grade 5. I thought that the pain would detract me from my problems. I stopped soon after I met my best friend Shayndel, who I love SOO much.

She made me feel unique. I started liking cows in grade 7 XD, and that's when my bestie Nicole joined me. MOO MASTER FOR EVER!!! I started to have boy problems in the beginning of grade 8, and still am.

It's complicated....
But I love my life ;)
My friends Nicole, Shayndel, Patricia, Ashley, and Donita.

That's pretty much it XD

I nominate Hollyleaf_ and @KissMeHemmoYouFool


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