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            Gasp!  I had my first comment.  *sniffles*  So I’m not a complete loser! 

            Oh, by the way, do any of you have a wonderful little thing called Tumblr?  It’s absolutely amazing, but I still like pintrest better.  Pintrest is my world <3

            Okay, so for today’s topic: abortion.

            My sister and I actually argued about this the other day.  Her being a liberal and be being conservative… well it was an interesting conversation to say the least.  So once again, I shall argue both sides (no matter how hard it is).

            Pro-abortion (pro-choice):  It’s the woman’s body and she can do what she wants with it.  Who are you to tell her what she can and can’t do?  Not to mention, having a baby could be hazardous to her health.  And what if she doesn’t have money to support both her and the baby?  What would she do then?  And it’s not even alive.  It’s never been defined when life begins.  It’s where the whole is it alive at conception or birth debate comes in.  And it’s not like abortion hurts the woman.  Medical abortions have less than .5% risk of serious complications.

            Okay so on to anti-abortion (pro-life)

            Okay, first of all, I’m a firm believer that life begins at conception.  Both parts come together and begin to join to form a baby.  It begins to grow.  Grow is the key word there.  If it’s not alive, then why the heck can it grow?  Sure, it depends on its mother for nutrients, but don’t we depend on things to live?  Don’t plants?  Don’t other animals?  Okay, so following the whole “it’s a woman’s body and she can do what she wants with it.”  Then why isn’t prostitution legal?  Huh?  If a woman wants to be a prostitute then why is it illegal for her to do so.  I mean, it is her body. 

            It’s not like the baby has a say in rather it wants to die or not.  Oh, but if it’s not alive then it doesn’t have any rights, right?  Wrong.  To live.  It’s a basic right that all humans are granted (well unless you’re in China where they limit the amount of children you can have).  We all have the right to live.  And there’s always adoption.  With 1.5 million homes in the America wanting to adopt, it wouldn't be a problem.  Pro-choice advocates say that having a baby could affect the woman psychologically.  Well, personally, I think if I murdered a baby, I’d already be messed up. 

            Okay, so maybe I’m not the best argumenter, debater, whatever, but you get what my opinion is, right?  I believe that having an abortion is basically murder, no, it is murder. 

            Okay, so there are special cases such as rape or where giving birth to the baby could kill the mother, the baby, or both.  Those I can understand.

            Just remember, it takes two to tango.

            Comments?  Opinions?  Suggestions on what my next update should be?  Comment below and I’ll read your comment ASAP.

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