Gun Control

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Gun Control

                Have you guys seen Sherlock, the British show?  AWEKMAVO.  It’s simply amazing.  Like Ben and Jerry’s velvet cheesecake amazing… actually it’s even more amazing.  If you took everything amazing and double that it would equal to Sherlock.  Yumm… Benedict Cumberbatch. 

            ANYWAS, on to the important stuff.


            What am I saying?  Sherlock is important.  If only they would come out with season three yet!

            So for discussion today: gun laws.  First off, to be a good… arguer? Discusser?  Okay whatever, but to be a good whatever, I think you should argue both sides.

            So pro gun laws.

            In theory, people should be safer.  I mean, it makes sense that if you have stricter gun laws only the good people should have guns.  It would stop kids and psychos from shooting it up in schools.  It would also stop criminals from gaining guns.

            Okay… that was hard. 

            So for the no gun laws portion.

            Let’s take Chicago for instance.  They have one of the strictest, if not the strictest, gun laws in America.  They also have highest crime rate.  So, statistics is against the whole “gun laws will keep criminals from getting guns” idea.  In fact, you’re just keeping weapons out of the citizens’ hand.  Kids are resourceful.  Psychos are resourceful.  Human beings are resourceful.  What am I getting at?  No matter what, if someone sets their mind to it and are determined to follow through with a plan, almost nothing can stop them.  And who can forget the Second Amendment?  You know the whole “right to bear arm,” thing?  Probably over half of the United States doesn’t even know why that was put there in the first place, right?

            It was so if the government overstepped their boundaries, us, the citizens, can revolt against them.  We are supposed to rule the government, not the other way around.  So, what if within ten years, we get an extremely bad president who won’t get out of office and is pretty much trying to take away our rights and make us like Nazi Germany?  According to the Bill of Rights, we should be able to take arms against them.  With gun control laws, we more than likely won’t be able to do that.  And finally, guns don’t kill people.  People kill people.  Heck, that’s like blaming a rock for tripping you and then suing the Earth for making the rock. 

            I wonder which side I’m on?

            Seriously though, we don’t need gun control, we need idiot control.  I think every type of gun should be for public use.  But, while I really don’t agree with it, I can see how we could get better background checks.  Not to mention, maybe whoever owns a gun should go in for shooting classes for at least a week  And, for God sake, if you have a gun, drill it into your child’s head that it isn’t a toy.  In fact, let your kids play violent games!  It teaches them that a gun does hurt people, and if they are angry, it gets the anger out. 

            And for God’s sake, email the maker of Sherlock and tell them to air season three already!

            Opinions?  Suggestions?  Do you agree?  Disagree?  Comment below and I’ll be sure to read your comment, pinkie promise!

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