𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑨 𝑾𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏❜𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓

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No ones POV

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No ones POV

The seven men were looking around the big apartment. Camilo and Cabel were impressed the most. They all looked at the woman who was sleeping in the couch peacefully "Hmm.. this lady must be the owner of this chamber.." Sislain told. "What do we do when she wakes up?" Camilo asked "We explain to her" 

"but why would we trust her?" Ijekiel scoffed "Thats not the attitude you'd show most likely" Cabel looked at Ijekiel who was grumpy (in the wmmap Athanasia explained that Ijekiel was strong and mighty just like any male leads were reframed to) 

Cabel was patting the cat "theres a spirit!" (in the world of wmmap the cats are the spirits) "Anyhow, we would need to trust her. Also make her trust us because we need a place to live" Sislain then went to the big large window to see the city. "See this? Do we even know the proper ways of these people?" Sislain looked at the men 

"He has a point" Camilo shrugged "AAAAAAAAA!" They looked around to see Cabel screaming "THE SPIRIT DOESN'T LIKE ME WHAT DO I DO!" Cabel then ran side to side on the apartment. "the spirit has decided that Cabel must die" Camilo looked at Vinter and Heinley "NO!" John yelled "What even is wrong with your tradition?" 

"CABEL DYING IN CYCLES IS THE LAST THING YOU NEED TO DO IS TO ALERTING THE LADY!" Vinter yelled "are we really going to let cabel die?" Heinley asked  "I mean I am bored with him" Heinley rolled his eyes "That spirit seems harmless, but dont tell Cabel" Vinter chuckled. While they were talking, Cabel was still screaming loud at the door way.

Heinley then laughed "His humongous suffering brings me joy!" Heinley smirked. "Likewise" Vinter looked at Heinley seriously. "enough lets scout the area" Sislain ordered

Sislain's POV

They (Sislain and Heinley)  were in the bathroom scouting. "What is this?" I looked around. I then went to the weird white figure that has a whole "Some kind of portal?" Heinley looked at it making his eyes squinch. They both look thoroughly to the weird white figure (the toilet) 

"A lever!" Sislain looked at the top. He was about to press the button but.. "Uh..should you be touching that?" asked Heinley

"We wont know what it does unless we closely examine it" Sislain told. "Then.. let me" Heinley offered and pressed the button. Suddenly the sound of the water was flushing and both eyes widened. 


Vinter's POV

Meanwhile with Vinter. Vinter heard the scream of his own mature brothers and turned around to look at the bathroom door. "Their trained warriors I trust they wont kill themselves" Vinter sighed "okay?" Ijekiel scoffed "Lets investigate this room" Vinter then took out a fireball to burn the doorknob but, Ijekiel just opened the door 

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