Fear to lose Him

535 6 15

^^   since I'm free for a few hours a day, (exams are going great, I have a score of 28/30. until now I only did two exams and in a Few days [17/February] I have another one but I don't feel ready yet. Anyway, this means I have an average score of 9 out of 10, don't tell me I'm a nerd, thanks, hahah.) 

you know. . .  writing is, for me, a great way to spend time, and in addition I like the interaction between me and all of you, so, I am writing, slowly, i know, but every day, a new chapter of this fan fiction.

----------now, I have a message for all of you------------


but, don't worry, as you know, I love this book and, since I know you love it too, I'll begin a new book about R&C, we can call it. . .  " second season" or " second part" or, again " second book".

the thing is, I want to begin a new book about this and focus this on how our heroes can survive  and escape from this mystic, brand new rift, and how can they save not only Ratchet and Rivet universe, but Fer and Luna' s too.

-- I made this choice not only because of the lenght of this book,  but even because i know that, because of this lenght, many of you are gradually losing interest in this book, and so, Since this was a mistake I made because I am still a newbie and I still don't know many things about Wattpad, i decided to split it into multiple books. 




*Clank was scanning his friend, with the help of her robot friend, Kit*

Clank:  We will now start to scan him. . . please do not disturb us, because if we lose the concentration, we have to begin again,and this procedure takes some minutes, because we have to check for eve-

Rivet:  Clank, stop wasting time and do it already!. 

*she was not grumpy, she was just really, really concerned, and, of course, she didn't want anything to happen to his favorite Lombax, even if she didn't want to show it, while in public, but all of her efforts to hide this, were futile*

Rivet: Clank, Um I 'm sorry, I did't mean to shout at you, I just, *sigh*

 *grabbing, her mechanical arm, with her natural hand, as a sign of discouragement*

( I took this pic from Devianart, the creator is ConnorNeedham

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( I took this pic from Devianart, the creator is ConnorNeedham. all credits to him.

I just tried to modify t a little bit like the bg and the blush effect. . . just because so it was perfect for this chapter)

Clank: I completely understand, don't worry, I am worried too, but I will do everything in my power to know what is wrong with him.

Luna: did he ate something? I mean. . .  is this not happening just because he forgot to eat?

Rivet: well. . . I don't think so. . . even because I prepared the meal for him myself, and he ate it, so. . . no, nothing like that.

Luna: oh. . . I see. I'm sorry, is just. . . I can't help but to feel sad.

Fer: don't be sorry, Luna, It's normal to feel like that, really.

* meanwhile, Kit and  Clank are scanning his friend, and they are trying to understand the problem by talking to each other and giving data and updates like they usually do with this kind of things*

Clank: (hey, Kit, so far, I've scanned the tail and the legs, found nothing . . . *sigh* tell me you found something)

Kit: well . . I don't know if this is a link, but I just finished scanning the head, its neural functions. . .how can I say this. . . there is a data overload, this. . . is something new for me, I don't know what to do. The monks taught me how to take care of someone, and, since I am a robot, I have potential for this kind of thing, but . . I've never seen anything like it, not even when I was helping Rivet with her problems, back home, she. . . called them. "training". . . basically  often she would leave the house, and when she came back, she was full of wounds and I had to-

Clank: Kit. . . I don't want to be rude, but this Is not a good moment to talk about this. 

Kit: oh, um, yes, you are right. sorry.

Clank: It's ok. I am glad you found the problem, but I would like to know why he is like this. let me finish the scan, I'll tell you later, if I find something unusual. In the meantime, it would be a huge help if you ask Rivet some questions about this, there must be something. . . maybe she knew Ratchet was feeling sick, or agitated, or stressed. . ...those could be good reasons.

*she goes to Rivet*

Clank: Darn it. . . let's have another look here. . . 

Kit: hey, um Rivet? can you please come with me for a second?

* Rivet was talking with Luna and Fer, she suddenly stops talking and she greets Kit, hoping she could tell her something good about Ratchet. *

Rivet: Luna, Fer, I am sorry to cut this conversation but-

Luna: no problem, we understand. Let's go, Fer! (I just hope that Ratchet is ok. . .) 

Rivet: so, Kit, did you two found something about him?

Kit: um. . . about this. . . yes we found out something, really bad. . . Clank is still working on this, anyway, um I have some questions about your. . .  relationship with him.

Rivet: My. . . my r- relation- Kit. . . I am really worried about him, I want to be near him to do everything I can for him, and you are asking me this question? what's- why are you like this? 

* she really couldn't believe that Kit was like this. Right now she was really angry at her.*

Kit:   n- no, Rivet, I didn't mean it like that. I- * even if Kit could not show any emotion, she was really sad in this moment*

Rivet:  you what?

Kit: your answers are important for Ratchet's condition! Clank told me to do this!

Rivet: are you- are you sure?

Kit: I am, don't you- you don't trust me? 

Rivet: Kit. . . your voice is shaking. . . I, I feel really stupid for what I did. . . I am really sorry.

Kit: Rivet. . . it's ok. . . I understand your situation. . . your. . .  feelings for him, and now that he is in such condition. . . I understand that you are really sad. 


Clank: wait. . . what- what is this thing? and why is this here inside of his body??