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Peep. Peep. Peep.

Please Louis, wake up.

I entered the hospital four hours ago and I was still at the same place I was when I entered.

Next to Louis bed.

He was alive. He survived the shoot.

Luckily, Ryan dropped the gun when he shooted and Louis was shoot in the arm and not in the head.

He would have been dead.

Ryan broke down completely after shooting and his friends ran away when Mike and his friends ran towards us with their guns in their hands.

The police searched for the two criminals now and Ryan was in remand.

I kind of really felt sorry for him but then I remembered what he did to my beautiful husband and I didn't feel sorry anymore.

The baby was alive too.

The doctors said it was a wonder that she was still alive and I guess it really was.

They kicked his stomach so often and mistreated him so bad, normally the baby would have died inside of his stomach already.

I waited for Louis to wake up to tell him that everything was going to be alright.

He looked horrible, covered und bruises and scars, but he had a slight smile on his lips that made my heart flip a beat.

I loved him so much. So so much.

I hoped he would understand me when I would tell him the truth and if he would want to be together with me again or if he didn't want that.

I would accept his desicion and I would respect it.

I would try to understand him and to keep going.

We would make things be alright too with the baby even if we wouldn't be together anymore.

I would try to be the best dad I could be and I would try to give Louis the best support in the whole world to make him be alright again fully one day.

It was alright past midnight and Louis was still asleep.

I feel asleep too on the chair next to his bed an hour later and my hand grabbed his and squezzed it, lightly, to not hurt him.

I woke up by a broken sounding, „H-Haz?"

„Louis! Thank god! You are awake! Oh my god! How are you feeling? Does anything hurt you? Do you want me to call the doctors in to give you some medicine?"

It was silent until a weak „Our baby." left his lips and he started to cry, thinking it died.

„Lou, hey, listen to me, please! Our baby is fine! It is alive! It didn't die!"

„It-It is alive?"

„Yeah. It's not dead. The opposite. It's alive."

He sobbed.

„I thought it died."

„No. It's alright, it didn't. You are alive too. Does anything hurt you?"

Louis slowly shook his head.

„Doesn't matter. Our baby is alive that's all that matters. A-And the dogs? Balou? Sweetcheeks?"

„They are fine. My Dad took them to his place and gave them food. They are safe."

„I-I have to thank him."

„You will have enough time to do that in the future, Lou. It's important for you to rest now. Your body needs to rest to heal soon again."

„How do you know?"

„The doctors told me."

A small giggle left his lips and I died inside.

I wanted to kiss him so bad but I knew that that was the wrong situation to do that.

I didn't even know if he still wanted me back.

Maybe he didn't anymore.

I would understand if he didn't.

I fucked it up.

„Lou....I have to tell you the truth. I didn't cheat on you. I died to you because I wanted you to leave and be out of danger. Ryan watched us. He installed cameras in every room and he threaten to hurt you. I couldn't let that happen so I decide to make you leave and be safe for a while until it would be alright again. I payed Ryan money every month but he broke his promise and kidnapped you. He wanted money for you again. I had it with me and I would have payed him much more if it would have meant that I wound get you back. But he wanted to kill you. To end it. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I should have told you instead of lying to you. I understand if you don't want me back anymore. I fucked it up and you nearly died although I promised you that that wouldn't ever happen again. But it happened again. I'm so sorry."

Louis squezzed my hand.

„It's alright, Curly. If I'd have known about all of that- God. You did all of that to safe me. You are amazing and I love you so much. I always did and I never stopped."

„Me too. I could never stop loving you. Never."

„Soon we will be five."

„And I will try to protect you all from everything bad in this world."

„Thank you so much. I love you. Forever."

I looked him in the eyes, smiling a little.





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