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I would get Louis out.

I would.

Even if it'd be the last thing I would do.

I knew that it was worth it.


I knew I'd die for him anytime again.

At any time.



„Okay. So, it's always three in one car. I will drive alone. You will be parking a street away and walk from the point to the back entrance of the school. Here. See?"

I showed Mike and the ten other men, which were all former police officer the map I draw.

They all nodded and Mike said: „Understood."

I bite my lip, nodding, looking back at the map I draw again.

„It will work if Ryan won't get suspicious. If he will....We will be in trouble. Big trouble."

„It will work. It's going to be alright. We will get your Louis back. And Little Styles also."

„Thank you all."

„You can thank us when this is over."

Bill send me a wink.

„I will."


Our former high school looked the same as 5 years ago.

The sudents were all on holidays so no one was to be seen when I parked the car infront of the entrance where the bus would normally park.

I spoke to myself. „Okay, Harry. You can do this."

Mike called me.



For Louis.

For our baby.

For us.

For our future.

For the dogs.

I waited 7 minutes until finally a black car stopped right infront of me and Ryan left the car, smiling at me.

I heard someone screaming in the car.


„Get him out right now, Ryan! I have your stupid money! Take it and give me my husband back!"

„Do you really think it will be that easy? You undermisterate me, Styles. I don't only want the money. I want much more than that."

I ran a shaking hand through my curls.

„What else do you want?! What is it?? You could have asked for more money and I would have given it to you in exchange with Louis! I would have given you anything in the whole world if I would have Louis back for it!"

„That's exactly the problem! You two live the perfect life! You, as a rich buisnessman, he, as your husband gets all the money and you two are going to be parents soon! Everything is perfect! Congratulations!"

I clenched my teeth.

„What the fuck do you mean?!"

„I want to ruin that damn happiness! I want you both to experience real life! Hell!"

„You fucking kept Louis in a dark basement twice, beated him to unconsciousness twice, treated him like some trash and scum, twice, and you think we haven't already experienced real life aka Hell?! I died of worry and pain inside of seeing him like that! You did all those horrible things to him! You ruined him even more than he fucking already was because of his abusive Dad! You made him be a wreck! You wrecked him! You are guilty! You, You, You!"

A terrified Louis was pulled out of the car and he had his hands around his stomach to protect our baby.

He bleeded and cryed when Ryan pressed a gun to his forehead.

This situation was way too familiar.

„The only thing I always wanted to be was to be loved! I wanted people to recognize me, to talk about me, to fucking notice me! I always was a no one! I was some scum that my parents never wanted and no one would ever notice! My Dad beat me and told me I was worthless and I deserve to be hated and ignored! People should spat on me and insult me, just like I deserve it! Before we moved here and I went to a new school, they spat on me and beat me! I experienced the same as Louis! I know how horrible it is to get beaten and talked down, feeling so small and worthless! I wanted to know what it feels like to be in control and have other people recognize you! I felt accepted in this shitty genaration because I had the respect of other people! They feared me and it made me feel satisfied! I felt fucking accepted!"

„Ryan, this isn't you. Put that gun down and we can talk about everything. This isn't you."

„You don't understand me! No one does!"

I took a step forward, slowly shaking my head.

„No, I do understand you. You wanted to have the respect of other people. That's okay. It's normal to want that. It's human. I understand you."

His hand that was gripping the gun tightly, started to tremble.

„Do you really think it is normal to want that?"

I nodded, trying to smile at him although all I wanted was to scream and cry.

„Of course it is. Everyone deserves the respect of other people. Everyone. No matter what they have done. You can always go back and change your decision if you want to. It's not too late. Just drop that gun and we can talk about everything."

Ryan seemed to fight with himself inside.

„No. I can't. I have to end it. I have to finish what I started."


A gun shoot was heard.

My weak body fell to the ground.

I didn't know what happened but I had so much pain in my stomach, I screamed until I passed out, hearing the words „LOU! LOU!" echoing in my ears before everything went black and it was silent.



I HATE YOU 3/3 (L.S / A.U)Where stories live. Discover now