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While beeing in the car, driving, I called Dad.

„Dad, I need your help! He-He kidnapped Louis!"

„He? Who? Ryan?!"

„Yes, Ryan!"

„Shit! What can I do, Harry??"

„He wants all of our money! He will kill him Dad! I won't have to give him the money if my plan will work! I am driving to Mike Bennly right now!"

Dad took a deep breath.

„The police officer that shooted Ryan in the chest?"

„Exactly! I hope he is still living at the adress I have!"

„I will pray for you! Get your husband back, Harry!"

„I- I have to tell you something else Dad."

„What is it?"

„Louis is pregnant."

„Then you have to bring them both back home, Harry. Louis and your baby."

„I will Dad. I will."


Please Mike, be at home.

I was sweating and panicking and I thought I would hyperventilate completely as I rang and nothing happened.

I rang the bell again and again.


Fucking nothing.

„Are you searching for someone?"

Suddenly a voice behind me spoke up and I turned around to look right into Mike's widen eyes.

„Harry, is that you? What are you doing here? Long time no see! Do you want to come in? How are you? How is Louis?"

„I need your help, Mike! I can't tell the police but you aren't working for them anymore but you still can help me! Please! It's about Louis!"

„Of course, come in! What happened to him?"

„Ryan is free again. He started watching me and Louis and he broke into our house to place cameras everywhere. He made me pay him money every month or he'd hurt Louis. I broke up with Louis to keep him away from the danger Ryan was causing but- Louis is pregnant and when I went to him once by bus, I checked if Ryan's people were following me and they were. I lead them right to Louis. They broke into his apartment and took him with them. Ryan wants money again. But I won't be able to do the takeover all by myself. So I know I needed other help but I also knew that Ryans people will be watching me and I couldn't call the police so I remembered that you stopped working for the police to get in pension early and I thought you can help me with the takeover. I need to feel more strong and less scared when I will do it and with knowing that you will be watching me, ready to call the police at anytime and shoot in case of an emergency."

I HATE YOU 3/3 (L.S / A.U)Where stories live. Discover now