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„Stop! Please stop!"

I continued crying but they didn't stop.

I was not only scared for myself but for my baby.

They were kicking my stomach, they would kill it.

„No! Our baby!"

The hits suddenly stopped and one of the two men spoke up.

„What did he say???!!"

Our Baby." The other one repeated and I whined when I felt them picking me up from the floor, harshly.

„What do you mean with our Baby?!"

„I-I'm pregnant."

I heard one of them cursing and the other man grabbed my arm, making me look up at him.

„Are you serious?!"

„Why would I lie?!"

„There are many reasons!"

„I am not lying! Please! Don't kill it!"

They pushed me forward with them, out of the dark room we were in.

„We'll see what Boss says about that!"

I whined when my arm started to hurt.

The pushed me upstairs into an office where Ryan was sitting on a black chair.

„Oh, hello Louis."

I gulped, looking down to the floor.

„Make him sit down on the chair infront of my desk."

I let them push me down on the chair and I looked at Ryan, scared.

„It's nice to see you again. I heard your name isn't Tomlinson anymore. Sweet. Louis Styles. Sounds really nice."

I didn't know what to say so I only nodded, staying silent.

„Answer me."

„Y-Yes. It does sounds nice."

I sobbed.

Ryan suddenly jumped up energic.

I flinched.

„No, it fucking doesn't sound nice!"

I let out a scream when he grabbed my aching arm, squeezing it, tightly.

„Tell me, Louis! Why do you love Harry?!"

I sobbed, not knowing what the fuck to think in all the panic.

I HATE YOU 3/3 (L.S / A.U)Where stories live. Discover now