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Draco Malfoy has never felt so hopeless, as the moon lit up the night sky, he held the love of his life in his arms—lifeless and dying right in front of his tearful mercury eyes.

"Love, don't cry." A hoarse voice emits from the dying boy. Paled as sheets and emerald eyes almost out of its lively sparks. "Everything will be okay."

"Shut up, Harry. Don't say things that aren't true." The blond retorted almost in anger, trying so hard to hold back his tears. "Just hold on a little longer, Granger and Wesley will be back soon."

"You're very warm." Harry smiles, blinking fairly slowly.

"Don't you dare die on me, Potter. Or God forbid, I'll kill you myself." Draco's says, embracing the raven-hair boy tighter.

"CUT! alright nice work everyone." The director shouted. "Great job boys, take a 30 before the next act." He told the two actors, who was still in their scene position.

"Ugh, my back is killing me." The blonde said, as he stood up and stretch his back out. "Why do you get to lay down, while I'm over here all hunch up."

"Well that's because I'm dying and you're supposed to be embracing me." The brunette says teasingly, dramatically flinging his arm over his forehead. "Beside, you'll only needs to do it for the next three scene." The raven laughed out, patting the blonde on his back.

"Who decided it was a good idea to make a tragedy- BL fanfic movie." Rolling his eyes, the blonde makes his way over to the refreshment.

"I think it's kind of romantic!" The brunette fallows after the blonde. "I enjoy the part where you—"

"Oh shut up, you just like me acting all weak and shit." The blonds interrupts him, picking up a plates and taking a hand full of crackers before grabbing a bottle of water. "Now people are going to 'ship' us even more."

"Aww don't be like that." The raven chuckled, grabbing his own set of snacks and drinks. "It's not like we aren't dating."

"Yeah? Well, I would like it private." The blonde sigh as he nibbles on his crackers. "It's bad enough, that the public is writing fanfic about us. I mean Have you read those stuff? It's so embarrassing. We can't even go on a normal date without being bombarded with questions and assumptions."

"I mean we're always being bombarded." The raven points out. "Beside, no points in hiding it now. We're literally acting out our relationship—well except for the dying part— I'm not dying anytime soon." He corrected himself and smiled crookedly at his boyfriend.

"I hate you sometime." The blonde retorted, kissing his boyfriend's cheeks. "I'm heading to the backroom. Want to join me 'love'?" He said seductively as a smirks begins to creeps it ways to the corner of his mouth.

"On don't be a tease." The brunette place his plate down and abruptly grabs the blonde's arms, pulling him to their private wardrobes.

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