7: Guilt

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I breath hard as I looked at Aeri's scarlet eyes, sweating and moving side to side. I tried to throwed a quick jab in her but she swiftly dodge it, she instantly caught my fist and twisting my arms abruptly kicking my knees causing me to kneel at her.

I groaned in pain but I hit her head with mine causing her to step back trying to maintain her balance while losing her concentration as I shifted myself and jumping for a round house sidekick, too late for her arms that about to shield her and it hit her right through the face.

We both fell in the ground and a loud shockwave occurred causing the glass to shattered on the right side.

"You're getting good Jimin." Aeri groaned, slowly sitting and wiping her lips.

"Again." I take a breath and immediately lifting myself up.

"What? It's been our 52th time! Give me a break." she whined, pouting while her hands stomping on the matted floor.

"You wanted to be my sparring partner right? Be my guest." I glared at her.

"Jimin, are you mad?" she surprisingly asked.

"No, stand up Aeri." I lowly growled.

"I can feel your emotion incase you forgot." she rolled her eyes at me.

"C'mon, stand up sucker!"

In a blink of an eye, she firmly punched my face that send me flying to the other side luckily this gym is a vampire-proof. I hissed in pain as my eyes went wide when she threw a javeline spear and went through my freakin' hand without a warning.

"Ahh! W–what the fuck Aeri!" I screamed in pain causing me to kneel on the ground.

"Satisfied?" she smiled sarcastically.

"Jesus! You don't need to be this harsh—ouch! Damn it!" I bit my lips, gripping my wrist to avoid losing too much blood.

Vampires supposed to don't have blood according to books I've read but we have. Despite having a cold body it explained that the blood we consumed is making us alive and converting as our life system. Actually our blood isn't red but black.

"Yeah whatever, you deserved that for being a bitch." she patted my head as I squirmed avoiding treating me like a kid, glaring at her.

Physical pain is not unbearable, we can be killed by it. Especially this, when something stuck on our body for a long period of time especially bullets or spears. We can try to resist the pain, since we have a high pain tolerance and it ease the pain because of our cell regeneration, healing ourselves, but once we ran out of blood. We can die.

"Okay! I'm sorry!" I whinced.

"You shouting at me?" she lifted her brows.

"N–no..hmp argh! Nevermind, I–I'll do it m–myself!" I whimpered and since Aeri don't have a plan to remove it, I'll do it.

My breath hitched as I immediately pulled it out while glaring at Aeri, I screamed in pain and felt my hand is going numb and tried to throw the spear at her but she easily dodge it.

As always.

"That was a weak throw Rina." she chuckled, looking the spear behind her.

"Fuck you!" I growled.

"Sorry, not interested." she stuck her tongue out. "I'll just take a shower and please fix yourself, we still have afternoon class. Peace out!" she said and waving her peace hand sign in the air.

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