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Hey my dearest readers!

I have completed this story after allmosstttt a year. BUT i really wanted to say something about the slow updates because i felt  an urge..(on the behalf of some writers who update slowly too:))Being a writer isnt easy,even if a writer doesnt has much readers he/she still try to write the best and nit disappoint the readers...i know slow updates do disappoint readers alot but kindly try to understand a writers pov too..Managing schools/colleges , tuitions and other chores and writing at the same time is the most difficult thing ive ever done..i felt so pressurised to the point that i just stopped using mobile phones,and yah i dint wanted to force myself to write because tht makes  a writer loose interest in writing, i feel bad that now i update slowly because i used to updates regularly..i even completed 2 stories in 3 days lol!but yeah the older i grow the lesser time i have and i hope you would understand, Ill try to update regret as soon as possible.Thanks alot for supporting❤I'll try not to disappoint you:)

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