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I hardly slept all night

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I hardly slept all night. I could hear Car sobbing downstairs where we left her and a swarm of guilt overtook my body.

When I heard the front door slam, I knew she'd run. And I didn't stop her.

As much as I feel guilty and awful for how we confronted her, she's made her decision and probably ran right into that manipulative bastard's arms.

The next morning was no better.

"Why the fuck is Car not in the house?" Angelo bursts into the kitchen, eyeing all of us sitting around the island.

Something in him snapped ever since he found out about Evangelos. There are dark circles under his eyes and he's always in a pissy mood.

"What do you mean?" Lorenzo asks, furrowing his brows in a mix of both confusion and worry. "She's not in the house?"

"Didn't you hear her leave last night?" I say coldly, and everyone's head whips to face me.

"And you didn't fucking stop her?" Giovanni accuses, slamming his fist down onto the kitchen counter.

"Could you not hear her sobbing for half an hour straight?" Romeo snarls protectively, "We fucked up, no wonder she left." He says, and I narrow my eyes at him.

"It's not like you went to comfort her either." I shoot back, and Romeo looks down at his lap, guilt swimming in his eyes.

"Thats not the fucking point," Angelo snaps, "The point is everyone in the underworld knows about their relationship." He growls and we all widen our eyes, "Four mafias and a fucking mercenary have already stood to Carlotta's defence."

"Please tell me we're one of those mafias." Romeo says suddenly, looking up from his lap and into Angelo's eyes pleadingly.

"No." He says impassively, and Romeo's face falls, "The Russians claimed allegiance though." He adds on, his jaw clenching harshly.

"And why the fuck not? She's our little sister and we're just going to sit back and let these other mafias tear her to shreds?" Romeo exclaims loudly, but sits back down with a harsh glare from Angelo.

"If that's what it takes to get Evangelos and Carlotta apart, and save face from this mess, then yes." He says sternly, "We already look pathetic, our blood running off into the sunset with our enemy? We look fucking weak."

I see where he's coming from.

From a business perspective we're fucked, but fuck the mafia right now, what about our relationship with Car?

We'd only just gotten her back-

"There's a conference next week, the underworld wants to talk about this. It's never been done before, and people don't know how to react." Angelo adds on, and we all lean forward in interest.

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