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The boy at the front desk recognised me immediately, and scrambled up from his position to meet me

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The boy at the front desk recognised me immediately, and scrambled up from his position to meet me.

"Mrs. Kosmos- ma'am- how are you this evening?" He said nervously, but I tried to school my reaction at the name he just called me.

I kinda liked it-

"I'm well thank you..." I smiled, but didn't know the cute boy's name.

"Oh, um, Elias ma'am." He blushed slightly, making me continue to smile at him fondly.

"You can call me Car." I correct him, feeling weirdly old when he calls me 'ma'am', even though he has a few years on me.

"Of course ma'- I mean Car." He smiled nervously, "Mr. Kosmos said he'd be expecting you and I'm to let you up." He informed me suddenly, almost as if he forgot the sole purpose of our encounter.

I smile again at his pink cheeks, "Yes, that'd be lovely thank you." I say as he leads me to the elevator, and pulls out one of his own 'gold card thingy's'. He swipes it along the card reader and steps out the elevator before it closes.

I send him one last smile before the doors begin to close and he waves at me through the receding gap in the doors.

The elevator starts moving up and I let out a big sigh, my spirits having lifted significantly from my interaction with Elias.

After making it finally to the top floor, the elevator dings and the doors slide open, revealing Andreas and Gigi's penthouse.

The first thing I noticed was Gigi, naturally.

His back was faced to me as he was wearing a dark grey t-shirt, his back and arm muscles rippling through the material.

He had on black cargo pants and boots but the thing I couldn't take my eyes off were the large blades secured on his back, criss-crossed for easy access.

There were black harnesses and buckles going around his torso to keep them in place, but I couldn't admire the restricting harnesses for as long as I'd like as he turns around at the sound of my entry.

And let me tell you, the front is even better.

He's sweaty, obviously having just gotten back from somewhere. His hair is dripping in front of his eyes and forehead and his grey t-shirt is tight on his chest.

The harnesses that were present on his back wrap around his front as well, and the handles of the blades are visible over his shoulders.

There was blood splattered slightly around his eyes and at the bottom of his shirt, but other than that there was no trace of his past activities .

I mean, he's a mafia Don who the fuck knows who he killed this evening.

His eyes were dark as they found mine and his plump lips turned up into a breathtaking smile.

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