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I make my way up to my room, jogging up the stairs and down the hall

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I make my way up to my room, jogging up the stairs and down the hall.

As soon as I get in I close my door and head over to my closet to find a bikini. Feeling slightly more colourful today than usual, I go for a pink and purple tie dye bikini and slip it on, throwing on some jeans on the way down to the pool.

I let my hair stay loose around my shoulders and grab a towel to go down with me. I can already hear the splashing and yelling of my brothers and friends in the pool from my balcony, so begin to make my way downstairs.

As I pass the kitchen, I hear the older brothers and Santiago still talking amongst themselves.

The door is still slightly cracked open and as I walk past, I accidentally catch eyes with Santiago, sending him a playful wink as I go by.

I didn't stick around to catch his reaction, but rather headed out the back doors that attach to the longue and onto the decking for the pool.

As soon as I step out, I catch the attention of the majority of the guys.

"Scheiße." Noah breathes out, "Du bist heiß."

(fuck.) (you're hot)

Massimo and Romeo glare at me disapprovingly, and I look back at them innocently. Fluttering my eyelashes at them before taking off my jeans, earning me a few wolf whistles from the pool which makes me roll my eyes.

"CAR!!" Both Luca and Riot yell at me, rushing towards me from behind.

Before I can react, they've picked me up and thrown me into the pool with them.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!" I yelled at them playfully, splashing water in their direction.

They only chuckled in reply, splashing water back at me.

Lets just say this starts a full on water fight in the pool.

At one point I end up on Massimo's shoulders, playing chicken fight against Noah and Mateo.

"Hah! We again again bitches!" I yell at Mateo and Noah who are sulking below us after I pushed them over.

Massimo raises his fist from below me for a fist bump, which I naturally return, both of us sporting smug smirks.

I'm still sitting on Massimo's shoulders when I feel hands wrap around my waist, making me squeal loudly as I'm violently ripped off Massimo's shoulders and dunked underwater.

I come up to the surface of the water, sputtering and choking whilst the whole group of boys laugh at my expense.


I turn around to find the culprit of my near drowning experience and find Romeo grinning at me mischievously.

"Fucking traitor!!" I lunge at him, looking to attack, but am stopped when catches me and holding both my wrists in one hand, the other arm wrapping around me to hold me still.

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