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I can't seem to look away from the small phone screen

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I can't seem to look away from the small phone screen.

There were photos upon photo's of Evangelos Kosmos and our baby sister in bed together.

It got to the point where we had to stop looking, feeling completely perverse at the extent to which these photos were taken.

Lorenzo's grip on the phone tightened impossibly before he threw it hard against the wall, yelling out his frustration.

He approaches Santiago and grips him by the collar of his shirt, blood still seeping down his face.

"DID YOU FUCKING TAKE THESE?!" He yells in his face, the rest of us still trying to process what we've just seen.

"No! Fuck, no you think I would've stood by and let that shit happen!" He exclaims, looking equally as pissed as Lorenzo.

"Why the fuck should we believe you, huh? Fuck knows you probably got off on those pictiures of our sister." Giovanni seethes from behind Lorenzo, and Santiagio turns his mutilated face slightly towards him.

We all stiffen at Giovanni suggested words and turn to glare at Santiago.

I want to slit this boys throat open, cut out his tongue and then stuff it in the bleeding hole of his oesophagus-

A smirk replaces his angered expression, "And what if I did?" Santiago says lowly.

Lorenzo yells and throws another punch to his face, "You're sick!" He exclaims, and Angelo comes up beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me." He says deeply, and Lorenzo backs off Santiago reluctantly, Angelo taking his spot as Santiago pants heavily.

"So this is what it's come to, huh?" Santiago snides, looking up at Angelo with dark eyes. "What happened to bros before hoes?"

Angelo doesn't react, he only speaks in a calm deep voice, "That 'hoe' you are talking about, is my baby sister." He says and looks back to Massimo.

Massimo seems to get some kind of secret message and smirks darkly at Santiago. He walks up slowly and pulls the gun out of his pants again.

I try to hide my surprise at what he's about to do, but a small part of me is in disbelief that it's come to killing someone we were so close to.

But this is what we've been trained to do our whole life. Santiago isn't blood, there was always a change he would betray us.

Carlotta is blood and she betrayed us-

This time, however, when Massimo approaches with the gun, Santiago doesn't react. He only seems to get bolder, realising he's going to die and doing anything he can to get under our skin before he does.

"Do you know what I noticed when I saw those pictures?" He spits, as Massimo makes his slow, tantalising approach. "I noticed Carlotta's smooth tan, skin, void of imperfections moving against Evangelos's. If you needed more proof of the monster he is, now you've got it. His back is ruined, scarred, fucking hideous. You really want your baby sister with a sick fuck like him?" He grits and I take a step forward, ready to pummel him, but Lorenzo holds me back.

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