-Chapter 17-

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You sat in the corner of your holding cell.
You rarely cared,nor used your quirk,but you had your wings wrapped tightly round you.

There was another man in your cell aswell. You didn't care though.

"Mate? Oi mate?? Are you alright?" Your cellmate asked.

You nodded..."I'm fine.."

"Alright then-what are you in for?,I'm in for robbery"

"Kidnapping...my-" you replied

"Oh. Your one of them people then..." he sounded pretty pissed.

"No no no-im not that I swear!..it was my nephew. His dad-"
You began rambling about it.

Your cellmate sighed.

"Right. So your telling me you just took-"

An officer opened the cell,and took your cellmate out.

You sighed...when would you be out of here..?
Keigos POV-
I want to go home,but I'm not really sure where that is.

I just want to sleep. I'm so tired...I've been in this stuffy car for ages....

The driver was trying to make small talk,but I wouldn't reply...

I just want to go home....

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