-Chapter 16-

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The knocking just got louder and louder.

It felt as if your whole apartment was shaking.

You ignored it,looking over at your sleeping nephew you knew that you had to get your ass up.

You sighed and got up to go to the door.

As you walked to the door..it just fell..


A flurry of police rushed in..


you panicked. Like hard-core panicked.

You ran around trying to avoid getting caught.

You bumped into a few things,they all broke.

You lifted keigo and began running around your apartment again.

They eventually caught you.

"Please come with us sir-anything you say or do will be used against you in court" one of the police officers said.

You panicked again "what are you doing-your gonna wake him up-OI THATS COLD"

Keigo woke up..

You smiled as one of the police officers dragged you away..

You could hear Keigo cry.

He was taken somewhere too.

The journey in the car was long...

And cold. Very cold.

The 'cell' was even worse...

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