-Chapter 6-

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You went out with keigo to get him clothes, toys and other necessities.

About 2 hours later you can back. You opened your door,it was opened...you definitely locked it.

You walked in and set all the bags you had in your bedroom.

The huge feathers seemed to have multiplied.

You walked into the living room to find something in a brown coat sitting on the sofa.

"Oi! Your back. Give me my kid" the deep voice ran though you.

Keigo was cowering in the corner.

"Shinyo??" You asked shocked

Your older brother stood up,leaving some of his huge feathers on your sofa.

"Give me my kid." He replied deeply.

"What? No-"
He began to corner you.

You crashed into the wall.

The blade of a knife gleamed in his hand.

"Gimme the kid" he said slowly bringing the knife towards you.

You shook your head.

He dropped the knife. " Just give me my kid."

Again you shook your head. Nothing was going to make you budge.


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