-Chapter 1-

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*What do you mean hes out?*
You said shocked,you rushed to your tiny box tv.

*The news Teru! He's out* your friend said from the other end of the phone.

*Jesus Christ!*
A few days later your older brother contacted you. He rang,texted,left emails and voice messages.

You ignored them for a while until you just couldn't anymore.

A/n- this means 'texts and * is a phone call!

*you finally pick up eh?*
Your brothers deep voice rattled though your head.
*yea. What do you want?*
You answered.
*come visit me teru..its been years*
He said.

Something inside you wanted to say no but your mouth said yes before you could think.

*ok. Where will I meet you?*

*my house teru,ill send you my address*
-he sends you his address-
*alright coming now.. see you soon*

You began to make your way to your brothers apartment. When you got there you knocked on the door.

Knock Knock-
Your older brother came to the door.

"Sup. Come on in."
You walk in to the dinghy apartment.

"So...urm....your out..."
You where just trying to break the silence.

"Oh yea. Its great!"
He replied.

You walked into his small kitchen. Dishes piled in the sink and his counters where stained.


Your brother turned to you.
"Be quiet,the brat will hear you"

"The brat?-is that what you call your girlfriend?
You asked.

Your brother laughed. "I wish"


Shinyo began to make you tea.

He poured your tea.

It was really awkward. You kept up the small talk until you heard a small noise.

"What was that Shinyo?-DO YOU HAVE RATS??"

Shinyo laughed. "Not unless you count that one!"

You turnt around,to see a child.

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