Field trip part 2

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"Hey Peter can u hear me?" Betty said holding hear earpiece "Loud and clear betty" he replied "alright u current location pete" Betty asked tapping her pen nervously, "I am Pete still walking down the stairs bett" peter said 

"oh alright" betty nervously tapped her pen more "betty chill nothings going to happen to THE peter parker" Ned assured her "ok."

while betty and ned are on com and cams with peter jess is trying to get in contact with the avengers or pepper and mj is sitting silently watching peter's every move on the cams..suddenly a crashing sound came alerting everyone in the room and u couldn't see peter anymore only the blank room

"Peter!?" Betty asked tapping some buttons "What happened where is peter!?" Ned asked rushing his words out "I don't know!" Betty exclaimed

"Well Get to know then" Jess yelled from her spot "QUIET!"  Mj yelled

"Peter..hey tiger where r u please, say something," Mj asked crossing her fingers.."He's not answering!" Betty exclaimed

"I am going there"

"So am I"

"Well then whos gonna stay with these idiots" as soon as jess finished that sentence a cracking sound came from peters mike

"Guys I am right here" Peter said causing their fight to stop "Peter!" Ned yelled as he ran towards his computers to see him and mj looked at the screen again "Where are u pete?' She asked in a small voice and suddenly "BOO!" he jumped and came in front of the screen 

"God! Fricking damn Peter! never scare me like that..bu the way what happened" Mj asked Looking at his face

"U know me I slipped on this banana peel which brings a question to my mind who the fuck put it here!?' Peter Asked causing everyone in the room to  burst out laughing

"Там есть кто-то" a quiet manly voice shut them up.. Peter backed up against the wall "slasher (betty) coordinates please" he said but he was no where found on the screen

"She will if u tell where the fuck did u go" mj replied searching him on the screen "Look up em on the screen" Peter replied more like whispered but still..mj looked at the top of the screen to see peter laying down on the ceiling of the staircase

"Spidey they are one floor below you...22 to be exact and your on 23" Betty whispered even tho she knew they couldn't hear her "How many of them?" He whispered back

"HOLY---shit!" Ned exclaimed as he counted on how many there are "What GIC (guy in the chair please deal with it I am in a hurry iff u have some suggestions pleases comment and tell me)Your kinda scaring me Here" Peter asked

"25 Spidey 25  soldiers of hydra and they have high tech guns and weapons along with some alien guns too" Ned Replied still in shock and somewhat scared "What!? 25!? " Mj yelled and took her position on her desk "Holy FUCK!?" Mj Exclaimed "Your not going to fight them spider, wait for the team, or i swear to god" Mj said looking at the cams but peter didn't hear them, and jumped in front of them (hydra soldiers) and started fighting (he muted the coms so they can hear but he can't hear them)

"Oh Hey fancy seeing you in my tower!" Peter said sarcastically as he dodged a punch coming from the soldier "Shut up!" He sneered "Oho whats with the attitude---" He got cut of by some other soldier shooting at him, which he missed by a second as peter jumped out of the way at the last moment

"Hey Hey! not cool man, i am just trying to talk to ---whats your name again?---You know what I'll name u Temp and Rude" While kicking 'Rude' in the face 

---------Meanwhile with the mj,ned,betty etc-------

They panicked with every shot or every attack peter missed, Mj almost had a panic attack when 'rude' Shot at peter, but he missed 

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