Kate, Yelena and Peter-Part 1

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A quick note, peter's 17, he's pepper and tony's adopted son, also Yelena and kate already met so yeah, ok enjoy

edit 10-02-22: well just wanted to add that the team only know peter as spider-man except ofc nat and are yet to find out abt the adoption including nat


Third-person pov

Peter was in the elevator, heading to the lounge, he just got back from school, flash was a little to harsh on him to today and well peter just wanted to relax, but when he entered the lounge his spidey sense tingled to tell him to duck and catch so he did that, only to catch  knife and a freaking arrow near his chest 

"what the fudgeee!?" he said as he looked around frantically until he saw a woman in her late 20's maybe and from the other side another woman in her early 20's maybe

"who are you, and what are you doing here?" peter asked, clicking his web-shooters on "well we could ask you the same too" the woman with blond hair said though she has a thick Russian accent which reminded peter of nat

"c-can we, cause i think we just.. you know what I'll keep quiet" the woman with black hair shut up after she received a glare from the other lady

"well, i mean no harm if your good but let me introduce me in a more friendly way" he asked "well good, just a sec Friday turn the lights on..here sit down" peter had continued talking after he received a nod from the two, he dropped his backpack near the kitchen, while the two women sat down

"alright now tell me who are you" the blond-haired asked as peter re-entered the room 

"well, i am peter stark, tony and pepper stark's adopted son" that seemed to make the two women relief a little "now who are you two" he asked somewhat a little worried for who they might  be

"i am Yelena, Natasha's sister" the blon--Yelena said "and i am kate bishop, i am clint's friend"

"mine to you know"

"right i am clint's and Yelena's friend" kate concluded which cause peter to sigh in relief and lean backward on the couch "oh thank god, i was starting to think, you were with hydra or reddddddd..shit" he slipped out, mentioning red room

"pfft we are not hydra or reddd but ---" poor kate got cut again

"wait were you going to say red room" Yelena said ignoring kate

"its very rude to cut others yel" kate said looking at her before turning around to peter, asking him to answer

"nope" Peter said with a sigh "okay, you seem like a nice boy, are you nat's паучок," Yelena said looking at peter, which made peter blush

"y-yeah, well off the topic seems you guys are here for the first time, cmon I'll show you around, the team won't come until tomorrow morning, and mom in Italy, so i guess you have came to stay around for a while right?" peter asked changing the topic "yeah we wanted to visit clint and nat, but seems they are not here and i would totally love to see the tower," kate answered for yelena

so the three spent the whole day touring the tower, talking, showing each other their weapons (yes he told them) watching a movie or two before Yelena popped a question "so peter you get bullied" she asked somewhat becoming like a protective sister "w-what, no pfft i don...yeah i get bullied" he confessed after he noticed the two staring at him

"who is the boy, who's hurting you, i swear I'll kill him with my arrows," kate said picking up her bow, to which peter shook her head and placed her bow down "no kate, no one killing minor- put the knife down Yelena- alright," he asked looking at them,

"only if you claim me as fun big sister" kate declared "alright k" he gave her a nickname which caused her to hug him "not fair unless you claim me to as a protective but fun big sister" Yelena demanded

"fine yel, come on" he agreed and she happily hugged them, it was a perfect sibling moment, the star wars movie going on in the background, these three hugging, they ended up falling asleep while on the couch when around 3 in the morning a beeping sound interrupted their sleep

"Кто, черт возьми, это!*" Yelena yelled in Russian
(who the fuck it is)

"shit!" was all peter said before rushing down the hall into his personal lab, with ofc Yelena and kate following with their weapons only to find peter doing something on the holograms and murmuring something

"Pete what happened?" kate asked worried, he just ignored and tried to open a drawer while talking

"no, no perché sono qui, merda, merda dov'è quella dannata chiave!?*" peter exclaimed before getting a necklace from his wallet

(no, no why are they here, shit, shit where is the damn key!??)

"Peter, PETER!" Yelena yelled, but it worked as peter stopped panicking and took a deep breath in "what's going on peter, whats happened" Yelena asked calmly now, so peter nodded while opening the drawer with the key and packing the stuff he took out of the drawer into a bag

"red room is here....in new york" peter said making Yelena freeze and kate widening her eyes

"w-what, that's not true red room is finished ,, h-how are they here then" Yelena asked somewhat scared "i-i know,but they started again but i had my suspicions they would come here, but i didn't think so soon, i think they are on to me" peter said packing the bag again only making a eye contact to see how yelena was scared a little

"where are you going peter" kate asked looking at the bag 

"oh um, i figured out they would eventually track me, so i had decided if they ever come here finding me, I'll well leave from here, didn't think it'll come so fast" he said continuing packing

"wait what, your leaving?!" kate asked somewhat yelled "y-yeah i got to, if not they can come here, which can put the whole team, you two, my friends my girlfriend in danger" he said turning around to look at them

"your only 17 peter, its too dangerous" kate started "i got to do it to keep everyone i love and care safe along with NYC citizens" peter concluded

"your one selfless boy stark, and if your going to fight them, i am coming along" Yelena spoke for the first time after she heard the news

" count me in to peter" kate added looking at them "wh-what, no, we only met just now, you guys can't come along, plus no one will care if i die anyways," peter said

"everyone will care peter!, we will, your parents will, your aunts and uncles, your friends, they all will care peter" yelena said "and we are going with you end of discussion" kate concluded

"fine i guess you guys are really like my older sister" peter said handing a backpack telling them to pack important stuff, telling friday to play the video clip 43, if the team asks

after an hour they got ready and got on the smaller quintjet, "we will live at a safe house with my friend ned, mj and betty (she does knows)"

"wait but you said you were doing this alone" kate asked him "yeah they will be there to locate them and help us by technology, you know what i mean" he said starting the jet and flying off 

"so, who's this girlfriend of your peter" yelena said smirking 

"oh cmon guys," he said groaning


hey guys hope you liked this chapter stay tuned for part 2

word count:1241

loads of love

kara out

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