Agent spider and Agent venus

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Third-person POV

today the avengers are going to the shield headquarters, nick fury, the director of the shield had called them for a mission, everyone was going except peter/spiderman, right now they to are wondering why peter didn't join them

"Tony, why didn't peter come"

"well I don't know, but he usually comes to every meeting"

"He's ur son tones"

"He is also ur guys nephew and pepper's son"

"Yeah but mostly with u"

"If you guys are done with our talk then can we pls go to the meeting room," Nick fury says as he enters the meeting room followed by the avengers, when they get in they see a boy and a girl about 16 talking to each other

"Fury i  thought you said the is a secret mission," steve asked "Yes, indeed" Fury replied

"then who are these two" Natasha asking sitting down "These two are my most trusted agents also most skilled, the best team too, team meet Agent Spider and Agent Venus"

When the avengers saw the two they were shocked because they saw peter and Mj in Shield uniform and standing behind fury, the others stood up when they saw these two

"Wait a min Agent Spider, Agent venus..those are like legends-" Clint was cut off "And ur telling me peter and his girlfriend are them omfg how did I not know," Natasha said looking at these two

"Hey guys sorry couldn't tell you I was in a hurry had a small mission before coming here with em" Peter said still standing in his posture

"Hey," Mj said waving

"It's alright, I think they'll understand," Fury said looking at the avengers and then faced the two agents "You two have a mission have u forgot, better get going"

"No we haven't," Mj said leaving the room "Bye sir," Peter said and left 

"I swear if anything happens to him then ur dead," Tony said looking at Fury

"Nothing will happen to them they are agent spider and agent venus," Fury said and started explaining the mission


Hey guys hope you like it did a short one I actually got this idea from a one-shot forgot its name if u know pls do comment, byeee

Lots of love

Kara Out

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