I knew i heard him somewhere

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hey guys, yup I feel better now, still have those fevers but other than that i am good :)

my user has changed: spider_kara


Basically, peter is tony and pepper's bio son, also no one knows except ned and MJ, that peter is spiderman, not even his parents 


So basically tony did not find out spiderman's identity, and now they are in the battle, nope not civil war it's just a hydra mission


"Hey, stark status?" cap asked through the comms "I would if this dumbass stops-ARGH! can u not see I am talking- ya I am still fighting but took out 7 robots and this last one is fighting like hell"

"Okay, clint?"  "at the top, as u told I am fighting the robots who are trying to reach the civilians"

"before u ask steve, I am almost handling these robots here" "alright" "u guys need the other guy" "nope I don't think there is a code green needed" there was agreement

"guys spidey's been quiet for a long time" "is he hurt?"  "Heu-Ahem--no not hurt, just --ouch ----quiet"

"kid u don't sound fine" "oh its nothi-------shit not cool man------ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" by now everyone was concerned for the spiderling

"kid!" "Anyone got eyes on him"

"I do, I am going to him---oh god!" "what's going on there clint!?"

"spidey,h..he looks bad--hey, hey stay awake"


Clint's Pov

"I do, I am going to him---oh god!" I exclaim

I saw spidey, he was not looking good Nah he was looking like hell, he was leaning on rubble while there was blood coming out of the huge and definitely deep wound and  weakly shooting webs at a robot probably the one who shot him, I quickly aim my arrow at the robot and kill him, I rush toward spidey

"What's going on there clint!" that was tony

"spidey,h..he looks bad--hey, hey stay awake" I was trying to keep him awake

"spidey cmon stay awake okay? bruce we need medics I am coming with him, will u be able to fight without me" "on it clint" bruce replied "yes we can handle just a few--arh!--are left" and i lift peter up and take him to the jet


Third-person pov 

"guys I am fine, I'll just go and ned or em will stitch me up" they were at the stark towers and peter was laid on a bed inside a room and the avengers were all there

"did u say ned and no bruce will stitch u up" "but..fin--" "hey ur staying awake underoos!"

"hmm too sleepy" and with that, the boy faints " bruce fix pls"  "calm down tony he's not dead just lost conscious"  while the team was talking outside

 bruce had taken of peter's mask and was shocked to see his nephew 

"holy--what omg...okay cam down....holy shit" 


Tony's pov

I gave a quick glance at bruce whose face was changing emotions so fast and was talking to his self, Natasha might have noticed to as she speaks

"is bruce okay," she said turning towards the room u could just bruce ant the half top room, u couldn't see peter

"I don't think so, I am gonna knock," Steve says as he goes to knock on the glass but standstill and his face now into a mix of emotions like bruce

"steve? Steve, what's wrong- wth?" Clint said reaching the window

"why is everyone freezing by looking inside the window" Bucky was asking me and nat but is shrugged and she spoke "don't know but do care cmon let's check it out" as she went to the window herself and froze, I sighed and went to the window myself with the rest following

but I got shocked what I saw, spider-man laying on the bed with his mask removed to show his face

and he was none other than Peter, my kid laying on the bed lost conscious in the spider-man suit which had a hole in it because the robot had stabbed him with something 


Third-person pov

now all the avengers were gathered outside the window and looking at their son/nephew/cousin brother laying on the bed

bruce just finished with him (in a medical way) and told the others they can come in, slowly they all came in and scattered through the room tony was already beside peter holding his hand while nat was running her fingers through his hair

"I knew I heard him somewhere!" clint said breaking the silence but too loudly to make peter stir in sleep to which clint earned 'shhs' death glares and threats "Right he said ned or some em fix him up," tony said but softly

"well I wonder why he didn't think to tell us," Bucky said looking at peter and his mask which was on the bedside table

"I thought u guys will be.....angry also didn't want u in danger," a voice said and all the heads snapped towards peter who looked pale but fine and was trying to sit up

 nat helped him to sit and hugged him speak breaking the silence

"why would u ever think we would be angry with u, just a little sad u didn't tell us," bucky said running his fingers through his nephew's hair "also we wouldn't have been so worried like today if u had told us" He concluded 

"yeah Pete u scared us " 

"it's not fun knowing ur brother is laying there with a deep deadly wound and can mostly die from that" Wanda took a breath and continued "or that he is fighting bad guys who can kill him"

Peter chuckles "sorry won't happen again" but Wanda looks at tony who now has tears in his eyes and is still looking away, "ton-" clint was cut off by nat who was pushing everyone and telling them to give peter and tony some space, nat smiles on last time before exiting the room

"ahem--I am sorry, I didn't think u would care," peter said or whispered but it was enough to make tony hear, and pull his son into a  bone-crushing hug if it wasn't for peter's strength he surely would have been crushed by tony

"ofc I care peter ur my son, and not only me but the whole team, but u should have told me, I was so scared when I saw u in the spider-man suit with a hole in it," He said stroking his hair

"sorry promise won't hold any more secrets regarding my life being in danger," Peter said looking at his dad, tony smiles and hugs peter again

"u do know peter I told ur Pepper right?" he said smirking "what! u told mom omg--ow that hurt," he said that get up quickly which he regretted "hey take it to slow u need rest that wound will take time," Tony said pushing his son gently down "as for ur mom she'll panic, worried but she will never stop caring and loving u like me, like others," he said and kissed peter's head

Peter knew his family cared for him


hope u like thtis chapter, my health is now really good to have that weakness but still good, byeee

loads of love

kara out

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