FIFTEEN: vanilla curls

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ACT ONE, CHAPTER FIFTEENvanilla curlsgroupchat / real life

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vanilla curls
groupchat / real life

ACT ONE, CHAPTER FIFTEENvanilla curlsgroupchat / real life

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Ur moms fav kids<3
(Emery, Kit, Robyn)


waddup nerds


hi freaks

I just got bit by Sandra

who tf is Sandra?

my cat

no wonder she bit u
with a name like that

lmaoooo pls

literally a hate crime

and for what?

bc I'm fruity?


I'm no longer rolling
with the lgbt


Kit coming out as straight?

why would tommyinnit care?

omg is he a little 💅 too?

no he's not

it's just a joke Robyn

something smells weird

oh yeah it's all the cap
in this gc

literally stfu

n e gayyy

who wanna stream bed
wars with me?


I promised Tommy we
could bake together

why should I care about
your blonde British

didn't ask u to

also he's not my bf

also we get it ur jealous


anyway I'll stream with
u Emery

Kit walked downstairs to see Tommy had already got the ingredients out for chocolate cake which Kit had said he wanted several times. Tommy smiled over at Kit as he began preparing stuff.

"hey." Kit greeted, leaning against the counter, "wanna put some music on first."

Tommy nodded, "yeah, put on the playlist you made me."

Kit just hummed in agreement and put the playlist on shuffle and Earfquake began to play on the alexa. Tommy blushed and began working out the ingredients measurements.

"wheres the flour?" Tommy frowned.

he then turned to see Kit holding it, "here."

he grinned and flicked some flour in Tommy's face. Tommy yelped and tried to shield himself.

"hey!" Tommy objected.

Tommy snatched the bag of flour from Kit's hands, letting out a laugh. he then grabbed a handful, throwing it towards Kit.

"hater!" Kit whined, shaking his head to get the flour out of his hair.

the two let out loud laughs, ruffling their own hair. Tommy placed down the flour as the song changed. Kit smiled when he noticed Vanilla curls was playing and he held out his hand to Tommy.

"what?" Tommy asked.

"dance with me." Kit demanded with a pout.

"that's cringe."

Kit huffed, "please."

Tommy rolled his eyes, letting Kit take both his arms and wrap then around his neck. Kit placed his hands on Tommy's waist and looked down at him.

"see its romantic." Kit reminded.

Tommy chuckled, "so is this." he commented, moving back to spin Kit around with one hand.

he spun Kit back into him and grinned. Kit chuckled and did the same to Tommy, watching his face light up as he was spun around and spun back into Kit. Kit wrapped his arms around Tommy from behind.

"we're supposed to be baking." Tommy whispered.

Kit spun Tommy to face him and wrapped an arm back around the Brits waist, "it can wait." he said, running the other hand through Tommy's hair to get rid of the flour.

"Kit..." Tommy mumbled, looking up at him.

Kit looked down lovingly and Tommy smiled. he reached up to grab the youngers face and pulled it closer to his. Kit smirked, being the one to break the distance and put his lips on Tommy's.

and the song slowly came to an end.



↳ ❝ 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬

it was so hard to try and write this and not make it awkward. but I hope u enjoyed me including my favorite cliche.

𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋𝐒, Tommyinnit ✓Where stories live. Discover now