The Magic

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Mirabel ran into her room, grabbing her dress and bag whilst putting her shoes on. Feeling energised, she walked to her door placing her hand on the handle, "Wait, how do I save a miracle?" she asked the house.

The house pantomimed back telling Mirabel that it had no idea. Mirabel thought for a moment, "I figure out what's happening to the miracle? Oh I have no idea but there is one person in this family who hears everything about everything..."

She glanced at a picture of her family — specifically her cousin Dolores, "so if anyone would know what's wrong with the magic, it's her."

~ ~


Several arepas were being picked up by Dolores as she piled them up on her plate. Mirabel then edged towards her cousin attempting to play it cool as she noticed the nervous expression on the brunettes face, "Dolores, hey. You know out of all my older cousins you're like my favourite cousin so I feel like I can talk to you about anything — ergo you can talk to me about anything like the problem with the magic last night that no one seemed to know about, that maybe you heard about that maybe I should know about."

Behind them stood Félix, Luna and Dolores, "Camilo! Stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds!" His father chastised.

Mirabel stood with a rather annoyed expression on her face as she watched her cousin transform back into his normal self, "Worth a shot," he shrugged as the Casita playfully hit his elbow as a warning to return the food, instead the Colombian boy tried to balance his plate of food, the Casita hitting his back, "Ah, Hey!"

As Camilo left conversing with his twin, Félix simply rolled his eyes and helped himself to food as Dolores and Mirabel stood out of earshot, "The only one worried about the magic is you and the rats talking in the walls. Oh and Luisa? I heard her eye twitching all night."

A lightbulb went off in the 15 year-olds head as she looked over to her older sister, carrying a table with one hand — gently setting it on the ground. "There we go."

As Mirabel headed for her sister, Alma made her way outside, "Everyone to the table. Lets go, lets go."

The family made their way to the table, Mirabel stealing Pepa's spot next to Luisa. Alma sat at the head of the table, Antonio sat on her right along with Dolores, Isabela, Camilo, Luna and Augustin. To her left sat Félix, Pepa, Mirabel, Luisa and Julieta.

"Luisa-" Mirabel started.

"Family, we are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful gift..." Alma paused before sitting down as a couple of Coatis' had occupied her chair.

"I told them to warm up your seat."

Antonio smiled at Abuela to which she returned, "Thank you Toñito. I'm sure today we'll find a way to put your blessings to good use — as must we all, we are the caretakers of this Encanto..."

Mirabel turned to her sister as Alma continued, "Luisa, Dolores says your totally freaking out, any chance you maybe know something about last night, with the magic?" The brunette watched her older sisters eye twitch, slamming her hand on the table, "You do!"

"Mirabel." Her grandmother's voice rang out, slightly annoyed that the young girl wasn't paying attention, "If you can't pay attention I will help you."

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