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Antonio's new magical room opened, an enormous rainforest filling the majority of the room. Animals of all kind raced through the crowd, three kids following behind.

Little Alejandra however, was in awe, "It's bigger on the inside?!"

As the children gawked, a Jaguar raced passed letting out a roar as he hoisted Antonio onto his back, galloping through the forest, tossing the young boy into the air. He bounced across hammocks of Coatis and skated on the surface of a river, using a snake as rope as he simply had the time of his life. Everyone watched as the introverted child hollered with delight.

The Jaguar and Antonio stopped near the family, Pepa making her way over showering her son with kisses as the animal leaped onto Augustin nearly knocking him over. Mirabel watched, relieved for Antonio but the moment turned as Alma hurried over to the child, her eyes filled with pride as she pulled her grandson in for a hug.

"I knew you could do it, a gift just as special as you."

The words pierced the 15 year-old's heart. She tried so hard to avoid her feelings as it was her cousins day to shine but it was inevitable. She never felt so alone in her life, despite being close to Luna and Camilo. She felt unworthy as she watched her family, smiles etched onto their faces.

"We need a picture," Alma exclaimed, "Everyone, come, come! It's a great night, it's a perfect night!"

The Madrigal family members all gathered together for the photo, "La Familia Madrigal!"

As everyone cheered, the brilliant light of a magnesium flash took the photo as Mirabel stood on the side, watching as her family shined. She had had enough of being alone all because she wasn't given a gift. The young girl couldn't take it any more and instead had stormed out of the room to which Luna noticed.

"Hey," she nudged her twin brother, "Mirabel just left and looked upset. Come on, let's go check on her."

Camilo simply nodded his head, following his sister out of Antonio's room. There Mirabel stood, in silence of the empty courtyard. The two siblings didn't hesitate in running down the stairs to comfort their cousin.

"Oh Mirabel." Luna spoke sadly as she pulled her cousin into her chest. The quick rise and fall of her chest was enough indication to Luna that Mirabel was indeed crying. The brunette couldn't help but feel upset for the 15 year-old. All she wanted was to fit in, to be noticed.

The two girls pulled away after a second, Camilo knowing it was now his turn to attempt to cheer up his cousin. He shape-shifted into Abuela as he walked up and down the courtyard, mocking his grandmother eliciting a laugh from the two brunettes. The three of them were enjoying their time together when all of a sudden a sound caught their attention.

They all turned around, noticing one of the roof tiles on the floor. Curious, Mirabel picked up the broken tile and inspected it and whilst doing so she cut her hand on one of its sharp edges.

Luna quickly made her over to her, taking a look at her hand, "I'm sure your mother will be able to take care of that."

As Mirabel winced, one of the floor tiles started to shake in its place. The two looked at it confused, Luna beckoning her brother over to take a look.

"Casita?" Mirabel whispered.

She reached out towards the shaking tiles when a small crack appeared to which the three all recoiled. The cracks started growing around the three, rippling up the walls and stairs. As the cracks kept growing, Mirabel picked herself up from the floor as she chased the cracks which managed to ripple past Pedro's portrait.

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