4) Paparazzi

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Nick and I meet up with Drew (as promised) at Sakura Sushi in Soho.

"So? I assume the meeting went well?" Drew smirks, stuffing another shrimp roll into his mouth. I hadn't even touched my California roll.

"No..it went great! I'm not very hungry"

"Oh? Then don't mind if I do" Drew pulls my plate towards his own and slides my rolls into his bowl.

Nick puts his hand on my knee and rubs it affectionately. "Are you okay? You never turn down food" He frowns.

"I'm fine. Really." I smile, trying to hide the worry in my eyes.
Nick knew me better than anyone. I mean he was Santa. But besides that, he was my husband. He knew when I was sick or sad or angry.

"Okay." He says. He didn't sound convinced but he knew to drop the matter. "You ready to go?"

I nodded. Nick calls the waiter for the check but not before Drew interjected. "Hey what's the rush! I a few more rolls"

I giggle as Nick rolls his eyes. "Drew. Take it to go! We have to go to Wynter's house in California. It's gonna take an hour."

"Fine!" Drew groans, asking the waiter for three more rolls and a few to go boxes.


We speed past a whole bunch of cars before Nick shoots into the sky. I would never get tired of this. Flying high in the sky, seeing the world from above the crowds.

It was so quiet.

"So what's wrong Wyn?" Nick asks as he turns down the volume of the radio. My eyes are fixed in the window.

"Tell me?" He pulls my hand into his before kissing my fingers.

"I'm just...worried. About the wedding and..."

"I told you not to worry about it Wyn. Vera knows what she's doing"

"I know. I know. It's just.... I know your good with money and everything but I feel like your doing this to make up for something" I blurted.

Nick still faces the skies. His response slow. "No way! No!" He sounded unconvincing.
"I mean...our marriage was rushed.
A Child heir. My mother and father treating you so coldly" Nick finally explains.

"Nick I wanted to marry you. Deadline or not. I knew what marrying into your family entailed. Minus the heir"
The car was quiet after I said it.

"Look Nick. I'm no just saying it to say it. I love you. Okay? I married you. I gave up my company for us?"

"You don't have to remind me every other day Wyn" he says impatiently. I noticed his uncomfortable demeanor and frown.

"So thats it? You feel guilty?"

Nick looks over at me and frowns. "Wyn, you sacrificed so much. You lied, you gave up the company, you're moving to the Pole?"

"Sure. It's a lot Nick, but I love you. Okay? I did all those things because of it. I don't care about any of that. I'm still VP of my company and get an early retirement! It's a win win" I teased. He did not laugh.

"I just don't want you to ...say yes to everything Vera says because you feel guilty. Okay?" I grab his hand.

He smiles and kisses it again. "Okay" he agrees. "But I said yes to Vera and the budget because I love you Wyn. If you want the wedding of your dreams? Then so be it. Let yourself be pampered. You deserve it."

I nodded holding his hand. It was now my turn to kiss his. We continue on in comfortable silence, breaking out in conversation when we saw fit.

"Oh! We need to see Jingles before heading into the castle. I promised I would feed him a carrot everyday."

Nick laughs, turning the car lower into the sky. "Okay. But everyday? You'll make him fat"

"Everyday! Unless....a certain Claus man—"

"No. No way! No reindeer in the castle. It'll start jealousy with the others and then Jingles will get too comfortable"

"But Nick! We can have a special room for him. It can be like our own little puppy"

"Last time I checked, a puppy was small and didn't weigh 200lbs." Nick reminded me.

I pout but inspiration quickly strikes.

I pull the strap of my seatbelt behind my back before leaning over and kissing his Nick on his cheek.

"No way Wyn. That's not gonna work." He frowns. I could hear his heart pacing. I drag my lips down to his throat, pressing soft but hungry kisses against it.

"Wyn... f*ck" he smirks, trying to focus on driving so we wouldn't crash.

I slowly move to unbuckle his pants but he quickly . grabs my wrist and sighs. I would make is crash if I did that.

"Fine. Fine.
But if I see one sign of poop? He's outta there"

"Ahh thank you Santa! I'll tell him to be in his best behavior!"


Nick and I pull up to my house in San Fran buy are surprised to be met with a group of photographers.

"Hey! What's going on!" I frown, shielding my eyes from the flashes of the camera.

"There she is Wynter Ryder!!!" One man yells, banging the window of Nick's car.

"HEY BACK UP!" Neck yells, trying to get through the crowd so he could park in my driveway.

They paparazzis cameras still flash violently.

"Hey! And Nick claus!!"
"Our tip was right! They are an item !!

"No married!" I correct them through the window.

"Wyn!" Nick fumed.

"What? The least they could do is gossip correctly" I explained.

They took a picture of my ring through the window. "This will be on the front page of evey magazine stand by tomorrow morning!"

"Come on Wyn. We need to go inside. You ready?"

I nod.

"Move. Move" Nick stormed out the car, opening my car side door before pushing his arm around my waist.

"Hey! Out of the way!!!" Nick fumes, guiding us both through the crowds and leading us to my door. I try to shuffle for my keys in my purse but he hovers his hand over the knob and opens it, quickly ushering us in.

"What in the world was that?" I peek through the curtains before dropping my bag to the floor.

He looked at me before pushing a hand through his hair. "This is why I didn't want you to come Wyn"
Just before he could expand, Drew opens the door and slams it behind him.

"Wynter! Nick!! 
What the f is going on?"

I turn to Nick and frown. "Nick T Claus. Tell me what is going on right now"

Santa BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon