Chapter 1

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Have you ever wondered if there is a life out there that you didn’t know existed? Looking at my family and I you would think that we are just a normal human family. But some of us have a little secret you would never expect.

My names Elizabeth but you can call me Liz. I’m sort of a normal teenage girl. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters. Yea I know my parents couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. I live in the city and I go to school like everyone else. I’m in my last year of high school and I’m so excited about it. I’ve been waiting for this year forever. I’m not a poplar cheerleader time chick I’m more of a get good grades, study type. No I am not a loner I actually do get along with everyone even the cheerleaders. My schools pretty big but everyone likes each other.

Anyways I bet you’re wondering what my big secret is right? Why I said I look normal and have a normal life but there is something I am hiding from the world aside from my family. My secret is that I am a werewolf. I know pretty weird and big secret right. Not all my siblings are wolves though. How did this happen? Well with werewolves fait gives us a true mate that we will do anything for and love forever. And everyone once in awhile fait pairs up a human and a werewolf, which is what happened with my parents.

My mom is human and my dad is the wolf and they have been together since they were 16. When a human and wolf have kids there is a 50/50 chance that it will be a wolf after it’s tenth birthday. I have 3 older siblings they are triplets and none of them are wolves. Their names are Cameron, Heather, and Alex. I am clearly the fourth kid and the first werewolf, which took some time to get use to. A year after me came my sister Jen and she isn’t a wolf either. The only other wolf out of the kids is my brother that came a year after Jen, Jase. After him my parents actually waited a few years to have the twins, Tes and Tyler. They are only 9 years old and in a few months they will be 10 and we will find out if they got the werewolf gene or not.

“Liz seriously lets go we’re going to be late. What are you doing?”  Jen said.

“Sorry Jen I just had to finish my homework.”

“Sometimes I so wished mom and dad didn’t appoint you driver. I’m seriously going to get them to buy me a car. I strongly dislike relying on you” Jen said.

My parents both have their own car and so does the triplets and myself. Jen isn’t the best driver around. Yeah lets put it that way. Actually she’s pretty horrible, we were all shocked that she got her licenses. We all say it’s because the instructor was way too attracted to her. On her test she drove on the sidewalk. Like really who passes after that. Jen often uses her looks to get what she wants. She’s tall and thin with tanned skin, long light brown hair and big green eyes. Gorgeous I know.

“Jen good luck with that. Seriously dude stop complaining we won’t be late, you know I hate being late for school. Lets go Miss Dramatic,” I said while getting up from my desk and grabbing my bag.

Jen rolled her eyes “finally jeez. Wait you weren’t at breakfast what are you going to eat now.”

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes “chill Jen I won’t stop to eat, I’ll just grab an apple. Is Jase even ready yet?”

Jen started laughing, way too much may I add while we left my room. “Yes Jase is ready and waiting on the stairs for us. He can’t wait to get to school and see his girlfriend. Melly babyyy.”

“Shut up Jen you know I can hear you. I have werewolf hearing remember,” Jase said while walking to the front door and we were coming down the stairs.

“Are you ever going to stop trying to rub that in my face it does not matter to me loser,” Jen replied.

I started laughing at them. These two are always bickering. Actually we all bicker way too much. We don’t actually fight and we’re pretty all close and tell each other everything.

Jase ruffled up her hair and said “I know you don’t care I just like saying that I’m a wolf since no one is allowed to know. Which is very annoying!”

As soon as he said that my mom came through the doorway from the kitchen with a green apple. “Hey kiddo catch since you missed breakfast once again,” she said to me and tossed it.

“Sorry I got caught up finishing an assignment.”

I looked for like my mom. She is short and fit with hazel eyes. Her natural hair colour is light brown but she likes to dye it red recently. It’s long and in nice curls all the time. She is honestly the best I can talk to her about anything without her judging me. She is a house wife because my dad loves giving her everything she needs and since he is a doctor and we have a ton of money they find no point in them both working.

“Ugh seriously Liz lets go,” Jase said jumping up and down.

Jen and Jase went to kiss my mom and said their good byes and walked to my car.

“Thanks mom, love you. See you later,” I said while hugging and leaving.

It was almost the end of October but living in California it was a pretty warm day. I was wearing skinny blue jeans with a tank top and flats.

“Okay little kids stop fighting and get into my baby,” I said while walking and unlocking my Range Rover for them. Yes my car is my baby what can I say.

“Well tell Jen she needs to stop wearing these mini skirts I’m getting tired of fighting the guys to stay away from her,” Jase said.

Jen gave him her death stare “listen last time I checked I am older and I don’t need you to fight anyone for me I can handle myself. Jeez you’re so annoying.”

Jase is younger but he is still over protective with all of us and him being a werewolf just adds to it in a bad way sometime. He is tall, jockey and really built. He doesn’t even look 16 to be honest. He is tanned black fohawk hair and he also has green eyes. He pretty much get’s all the girls in school but he doesn’t pay attention to them because he does have a girlfriend, Melisa. They’ve been dating for about 3 months now and can’t keep their hands off each other.

Getting really annoyed by them I said “okay Jase really it is long enough leave her and lets get in the car. Now we’re going to be late.”

We got in and Jen was smirking “see I told you. Gosh kid leave me alone.”

“Hey I’m just trying to look out for you. Sorry for being a good brother,” Jase said, his sanative side showing right now.

I looked at him through the rearview mirror “aww that’s so cute of you. Jasey boy is getting emotional.”

Jase now gave me his death stare “Shut up Liz and drive.”

We all started laughing after that and off to school.

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