Chapter 10

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I woke up to a buzzing sound today. Groaning I turned over and with my face still in the pillow I reached over to get my phone. Without out looking at who’s calling me I answered it, “hello?”

“Liz you’re still sleeping it’s almost 2 in the afternoon,” Liza said.

“Yea well I’m tired what are you gonna do.”

“I’m assuming not a morning person there,” Liza said laughing, “anyways get up I’ll be over in 15.” She said and hung up.

Not wanting to get out of bed at all I got up went to my washroom washed my face and brushed my teeth. I don’t really care how I looked in front of Liza so I stayed in my track pants and big t-shirt. As soon as I left my room I could sense everyone was up. I went straight for the kitchen with my stomach growling at me to get some food.

When I went into the kitchen I saw Tess there, “morning sunshine,” I said to her with a big smile. I hugged her quick and sat next to her at the kitchen island.

“Uhh Liz it’s the afternoon,” was her smart remark.

“I know but I just got up so it’s like morning to me,” I said.

“Mhmm anyhow there’s still pancakes in the microwave for you if you want.”

“Mmm cold pancakes my fav,” I said with pure sarcasm.

“Well nobody wanted to wake you because you’ve been so moody lately.”

“I have not been moody.”

“I’ve only known you for a little while and even I know you’ve been moody,” Liza said walking into the kitchen smiling at us.

“Hey! I have not been moody,” I said with annoyance.

“Jeez Liz you just woke up stop with the moodiness,” Tes said sticking her tongue out at me and leaving the kitchen.

“I AM NOT MOODY!” I shouted out to her.

Liza looked at me with a huge grin making me wondering what she’s up to, “why are you looking at me like that?” I asked her.

“I can’t smile at my bestest friend,” she said.

“Well since I’ve only known you for about a week I don’t think I’m your bestest friend,” I told her trying to hide my laugh.

“That hurt Elizabeth right here,” she said putting her hand up to her heart faking hurt.

“Yea well what can I say I’m not a nice person I guess,” I said and we both started laughing.

“Anyways bestest friend why didn’t you tell me about your date with Chris tonight?” she asked.

“Well I don’t know I didn’t really think anything of it and wait how do you know about that?” I questioned her.

“Oh well Dom told me and boy was I surprised when he told me. I thought you and Chris were just friends hmm,” she said raising an eyebrow.

“Yea we are it’s not a big deal and why would Dom tell you? He doesn’t even like me like at all why is he telling you these things?”

“Trust me when I say my brother doesn’t have a problem with you, he’s just been brainwashed far too long but I bet you can help him out,” she said winking at me.

“Is there something you’re implying?”

“Me? No never, I would not think to do that,” she said faking shocked.

“Yea I’m sure of it,” I said sarcastically.

“Anyways lets stop talking about my idiotic brother. What are you doing on this date? What are you going to wear? When are you going? You have to tell me everything that happens,” she spat out all to quickly.

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