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Batman and his side kick, not Robin

"I'm Number Zero."

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Grayson sighed as she twirled her fork between the noodles in her bowl. The hum of the tv played old reruns of I Love Lucy, she could hear the grunts and the distant hits coming from outside the room.

She had been staying with Diego long enough to get used to it by now.

She didn't really expect it to happen. But when he insisted he stay with her, and when she couldn't find another place to live, she had no choice but to agree the offer. 

She had managed to find a part time job at the local library. She figured it was the least she could do with her spare time, plus, it gave her the chance to pay Diego back, no matter how many times he denied it.

"Yeah, Al, I got it!"

At the sound of the door, and her brother, Grayson turned down the tv and watched as he entered the shared room with a few bags in his hand. He sighed and walked towards the small table and placed down the bags.

"Hey." He says, he begins to put away the things in the bags.

"Hey. How was your day crime fighter?"

Diego rolled his eyes, she never went a second without calling him some type of name. "It was fine. You working today?" He asked, he knew her schedule, but she had a habit of not going in and it worried him.

"Uh, yeah, actually. I am." She said, standing up from her little cot bed, she walked over to the sink and placed her empty bowl down and began helping him.

"Hey—" Grayson started, she had a question she wanted to ask him and thought now was the time.


"Did you ever read Vanya's book?"

Diego scoffed and shook his head. "Yeah." He answered. His tone changed from mild to clearly annoyed. She smirked a little.

"What'd you think of it?"

"What did I think?"


"Of what?"

Grayson rolled her eyes. She swore her siblings all shared a brain cell. "Of the book, idiot."

"It was ridiculous." He stated, as he pulled out his knives from his person, they clanked against the table top. He sat down and started to sharpen them.

"I guess. I read it on break one time, boy did she leave nothing out."

Grayson had always considered her and Vanya friends. They weren't close, not by a long shot, but she did hate how everyone including their father always treated the girl. It made her blood boil so she always made it her goal to be nice to her.

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