Chapter 22

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Despite having his eyes fixated on the colorful and breath taking firework show, Chifuyu wasn't exactly paying any attention to it. Instead his mind was rather preoccupied with something else...

Specifically, the situation that had occurred a few minutes ago. Though he suspected that you had heard the conversation between him and Baji, which he felt slightly embarrassed by, the boy was confused as to why you hadn't said anything about it

Instead here you stood, just casually admiring the fireworks

Yet unbeknownst to him, you were actually thinking about it. Admittedly, the information took you a bit by surprise. However at the same time it didn't. Because if you remembered correctly it was during the moment in which you were profoundly bleeding, that you recalled realizing something

And that was your attraction to your friend

Yet despite knowing how you felt, as cliche as it sounds, starting a conversation about this kind of stuff proved to be much more difficult than anticipated. Plus that wasn't the only thing bugging you...

Because despite Baji's proclamation, you were unsure if that was really true or not. For all you knew the black haired male could have just been joking around...

And secondly...well you were obviously a tad nervous about the way he would react

So with all these doubts inside your head and the fact that you didn't want to ruin tonights event, you decided postpone it

And wait for the right time


After the firework show, the festival had officially ended and so most people went home. Practically all your friends did that as it was pretty late and unfortunately some had school the other day...

And so, after having dropped Hina at her home, Takemichi, Chifuyu and you were now heading towards your place

For most part of the walk, you guys talked about the events of past week. And you all agreed that it was a rather chaotic one. Luckily everything had ended somewhat good. Well expect for the death of Izana. That was something you personally still mourned about

But for the two boy's, the fact that Kisaki didn't end up killing you and instead died himself, was one big one win in their book. Sure for Chifuyu this was also good, but the person who was most happy about it, was Takemichi

After all, had Kisaki been alive after the Tenjiku fight, he feared that the future he came from would have drastically changed, ones again

Fortunately that wouldn't happen. And so with this in mind, the boy suddenly stopped in his tracks as he realized the time had finally come to return home

Glancing at his two friends who walked side by side, both smiling and laughing, Takemichi felt himself missing Hina. Not the one from this timeline but the one who was waiting for him in the future

The one he was going to marry

" Hey guys" he called out, making both people turn their attention to him 

" I know we just accomplished something huge and we should definitely celebrate it  a bit longer...but " he paused, feeling quite selfish for what he was about to say " But I think it's time for to me go back"

Not getting any response from his friends, Takemichi began to sweat drop as he thought he had been a little to hasty with his request

But his anxiety vanished when he felt a hand placing itself on his shoulder, making his eyes shift from the ground to a pair of E/c ones

" I get it" you spoke softly " You've got a fiancée waiting for you"

" Yeah..." 

" Then I guess this it" Chifuyu went to stand in front of his friend " However before you go " the blond abruptly pulled his friend into an embrace, making him gasp 

" Thank you, Partner" 

Pulling away, the boy gave his friend a closed eyed smile " I'll never forget this" 

Having not seen this smile in the previous future, Takemichi felt tears prick the corner of his eyes as a wave of joy coursed through his entire body

Finally after one year of misery, he saw his best friend beaming with happiness

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" Hey before you leave, can I ask say one last thing to Chifuyu?" you quickly asked just as the two were about to shake hands

Nodding his head, Takemichi went to stand a little further away so that the two of you had some privacy

" Something wrong?" your friend questioned

" Tell me, when Takemichi travels back in time, will you and I remember all of this?"

" Well..." the boy scratched the nape of his neck " Maybe not everything in great detail but I think fractions of it"

" I see..." 

" Why?"

" Oh nothing" you shrugged " Just curious "

While you yelled at your other friend that it was okay for him to come back, Chifuyu suspiciously narrowed his eyes at you. For some reason he felt like there was something off about your question

It was as if you were planning something. And knowing that sometimes you could be quite cunning, he gulped and just hoped that it wouldn't be anything stupid

But fortunately for him, that last thought vanished when at the same time that he grabbed Takemichi's hand, he felt himself being pulled down by the collar of his Yukata and his lips got pressed onto your soft ones

With widen eyes, Chifuyu was able to stare into your E/c eyes for a brief second before everything around him...

turned white

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" See you soon, Matsuno"

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