Day 7

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Another day another evening! Today again I was hanging out in hotel. Then again I heard the screaming. I followed it and we met again. I told every staff member to stay together. So let's see.

"Didn't I told you to stop, Sirius! Now you will see blood." He said.

"I won't let you." As soon as I said I kicked him.

We had a little knife fighting. But if course I am more skilled than him. So I was ruling the fight. At last I did a final kick. Now he has no choice.

"Now tell me who send you?!" I asked him.

"Aren't you are detective?! I won't tell you. Find it. Bye bye Sirius!" Then he drop a smoke bomb.

When smoke vanished he wasn't there. The family was terrified. I somehow managed them. Then I went down. Now the next step was gonna start.

Meanwhile we see Betelgeuse entering in some room but before entering he looks here and there.

I went on ground hall where everyone was. The police commissioner was also there.

"Did you found murderer?!" He asked me. 

"Let's wait for half an hour." I said with confidence.

After half an hour I asked police to check everyone's room. They went to check it.

"Why you said this?!" Manager asked.

"Look there are two people in it. So that at the time of murder everyone will have an alibi. So they hired a man. The man was successfully escaping. But when police imposed a lockdown in whole city he was present in the hotel. Though he had some work to do in this hotel. He was smart enough to hide in this hotel. But he needs other necessities. So when it was too late of night he went to main man's room. Because most of police and I would be sleeping. There he did all the basic things." I said.

"But he could be living in other room too. If he was going to room at late night then he can go in any room." Julius said.

"Just think man! How did killer went to people's room. He didn't break the door. Nor anyone saw him jumping from the balcony. The answer is he has keys. The only one who has keys is manager. Plus he has a pair of clothes which he always shows us. Cause there is a dry cleaning room and no one will take risk of dry cleaning it as it will be noticeable. Plus smell of his clothes is not that much. That means he used it alternate days." I said pointing at him.

"Manager" Julius was looking at manager.

Then a police comes there. 

"I found killer's cloth at manager's room." He said.

"This can't be...." Julius was giving shocking expressions. Everyone was shocked now.

Then two police caught some man and came there.

"We caught him as you said sir. He is the killer." He said to police commissioner.

"I am sorry master I couldn't complete my task well." He was looking at manager.

"But I didn't did anything. Trust me. Please trust me." Manger was now devasted.

"So it's clear now." Police commissioner said.

Then I saw Betelgeuse coming. He gave me the signal.

"So it's clear now huh!" I said. Though it was hard for me. "The killer is you." I pointed my finger towards Julius.

Everyone was shocked now.

"What are you talking about?! We found evidences which are pointing towards manager." Police commissioner said.

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