Day 1

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It's a very good day precisely. I wake up looking at clock. Oh no! I start to clean my bed. Yeah I like to see Detective Conan with chips at night. After all I am a detective and there are very good murderers in it. No I am not psycho! Wait, what I am doing? Sorry I can't talk to you. I have to hurry. Basically I will be the only one who will be talking to you. But before that I must get ready after all we are all going to tour. Yeah! With my friends at a famous hotel for new year celebration. Sorry I forgot to give introduction. I am Sirius. No, not serious. I have friends whose names are Seira, Monika, Alexander, Silva and Nicola. We all are going to new year trip at hotel Sixas. It's a very famous new year site. Can't I stop talking? Ok I will meet you after one hour.
After one hour.... Ok tell me how do I look? Blue suit, inside is white shirt and black pant. I like it. Then I hear a knock knock. I open the door and there is our group leader Seira and others looking angry at me.

"Sorry for late guys!" I said with calm voice.

"It's 8 o clock! Jeez how many times should I say to you to come on time" Seira said.

"Let's go guys! We are already late. I will be driving so don't worry." Alexander said.

Though everyone was angry but later I convinced them. Anyways we reach there in 5 hours. It is 1 pm already. We then checked our bookings at hotel. We got our keys and we went in our rooms for freshup. As you know I am a detective so I after half an hour I went to check all over hotel. I am on 5th floor wondering here and there. I was so attracted to wall colours that I kept looking at it but oops! I accidently crashed on waiter. The whole noodles were spread on ground thanks to me. Plus sauses in ground. Hope so that I don't have to pay money for this.

"I am so sorry sir. It's my fault."

I helped him to clean food. Luckily it was noodle.

"You don't need to clean it sir." Waiter said.

His hands were pretty rough but also wet. Looks like he do works like washing dishes. He was look constantly looking at food.
Looks like his manager is very strict.

"Is your manger very strict! No I mean your constantly looking at food like it will eat you instead of you eat it" I said with a smile.

Then he laughs. "Yeah he don't like wastage of food and a man literally told me to take this noodles even though he ordered it. He told me that he has no mood of eating it. So I came here. Sorry sir but I have to go now."

"By the way what is your name? I like to collect name of interesting people I meet."

"All rounder Julius!"

Then he goes in a hurry. Then I go to terrace. After all it was 5 star hotel with 30 floors. So I was interested in terrace. I wanted to feel the air. Then I saw one man and one woman. The man was proposing her. I thought I might be a problem but I like to see people meeting each other. Even nature helps them. The air is blowing very fast. Even the rose is dancing.

"I loved you Priya! I can't live without you." He proposed her with rose 🌹 pointing towards her.

Finally a good love story not like a film.

"If you are oxygen then I am hydrogen who form bonds with you to form water. If you are proton then I am electron. If you are virus then I am your protein/lipid cover."

Damn does this man even knows how to propose. I was so angry. I mean literally say "no" to this biochemistry man. I mean even in love he thinks of science. You will get any other boyfriend in this world. He is not the last man. Damn you....

"Yes I will..." The woman said with smile.

She accepted..... No comments... But then they both notice me.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" He said with angry voice.

"A useless catalyst cause it is in wrong reaction." I said.

"Then where does that catalyst works?" The woman said with anger on his face.

Of course they will be angry but still.. anyways...

"Sorry for disturbing your most awaited moment. I just came here to feel air but I saw you proposing each other. So I couldn't stop myself without watching it." I said.

"Well it's I am proposing her second time so it doesn't matter. But who are you? And where your catalyst work?" He said by pointing his finger at me.

"My name is... Wait what was it? Sorry I forgot my name. My name is after a famous star. It's very luminous. What was his name? Oh yeah! It's Sirius! And my catalyst is murder mystery, solving kidnapping, etc.."

"You are a detective?" She asked.

"Yeah!" I said.

Though I saw many people but this man. He is something different. I don't know why but I think he is assassin. He is just trying to be a scientist in front of her. The look in his eyes. It's clearly an assassins look. How I know? Well my father was assassin. He killed many peoples but instead of becoming like him I became a detective. My mother died because of him and that's why I hate assassins. But this man is not like my father. It looks like he can do anything for that woman.

"Sorry again for spoiling your moment I will go now."

"You should be.... But anyways I am pleased to meet you. But you can go now." He said with a smile.

"You shouldn't be that rude." Woman said.

"Nah! He should be. But your duty is to protect him. Don't forget. Take it as an extra electron from me." I said with a smile and left from there.

Then I heard my phone ringing. It was Silva. Damn I don't want to face his attitude. I answered him. Everyone was waiting for me to dinner. Luckily he wasn't angry. But at this instant of time I am very worried about my life. I literally spoiled a special moment of an assassin, gave him advice and talked rude to him. Please God save me. I don't haven't face an assassin yet. Wait I was the one who killed father. He was very good assassin. So I shouldn't need to worry that much right? Right........?

Hey guys! What your think of this chapter? Tell me in the comment section. Since it is new year I was thinking to make a murder mystery. Don't worry I will be posting 'Damon God' in every Sunday and this story on every Saturday. Tell me your reactions in comment section. Please do like and share this story. Till next chapter be safe and stay healthy.
Thank you so much.
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