Chapter 1

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"Ms. Stark it is time to wake up," Jarvis automated voice rang into my room," Mr. Odinson is about to return."

My eyes shoot open as I heard the announcement. Thor had left for Asgard yesterday night on a mission of sorts. No one had told me what it was about but I barely pried. I tossed my covers off and threw on some black leggings and a hoodie. Seems like a they/them day. I joined Dad and Nat in the kitchen of the Stark tower. Peter was the only one of the avengers who did not reside in the Stark tower but he visited almost daily. Even Bucky moved in a few months ago.

"Nice of you to join us, Y/n," Dad said in a snarky tone as a passed him.

I silently mocked him as I went to grab some coffee. Nat saw me do this and smirked at me," Dad I'm an adult. I don't have to wake up on a schedule."

"She's right you know, Tony," Nat agreed with me.

Dad rolled his eyes and left the kitchen. I ate a small snack before heading into the main room with everyone else. Steve and Bucky were talking to each other, Sam and Clint were on their phones, and Wanda and Pietro were sitting next to each other.

"So is anyone going to tell me why Thor went back to Asgard?"I asked as I plopped down next to Clint.

I could see that Clint visibly stiffened as the thought went through his head," You'll see."

I nodded slowly," Um ok?"

Dad walked into the room and we all looked to him," Time to gather in the meeting room. Point Break is finally back."

Everyone got up with grim faces and went into the meeting room. I still have no clue why everyone is so upset. I entered and saw Thor standing in front of the large table. Someone slightly hidden behind him. I tried getting a clearer look but Thor was basically hiding him with his body. The most I could tell was that he was decked out in green leather and had handcuffs on.

"So right to business," Steve started first," Who is in charge of getting him comfortable here?"

Everyone looked around at each other with uncomfortable face. I decided this was my time to speak," Who exactly are we making comfortable and why?"

Thor was the one to answer me," My brother Loki," He stepped away from the other man.

I nodded vaguely familiar with the name," Aren't you the one who threw my father out a window?"

"Let's not talk about that," Dad interrupted me with a slightly annoyed tone," Now I don't know about everyone else but I don't want to deal with him."

Everyone nodded and then turned to me. Sam was the next to me," Y/n is the only one who doesn't have some sort of past with him, why not her?"

I glanced between him and Loki. He threw my dad out a window and terrorized Earth for the longest time. I don't like him already but I sighed and answered," Sure why not."

I stood up and walked over to the man. I sized him up before resting my eyes on the handcuffs," Thor can you please unhandcuff your brother?" I asked my friend

"Of course Lady Y/n," Thor said," Only cause you asked so nicely."

He unlocked the handcuffs and I motioned for Loki to follow. He hasn't said a word but I did see him smirk when I asked if he had thrown my dad out a window. I lead him down the hallways to the room I had remembered was being prepared. I didn't ask any questions about it cause I had thought Peter was moving in. I was wrong about that.

I stopped at the door pointing at it," Here's your room."

He opened the door before saying anything. It was pretty bland with the normal hotel sheets with a small dresser in a corner. He had a disgusted look on his face before waving his hand. The room changed before my eyes. It was decked in black and green. A bookshelf/nightstand appeared next to the bed and the dresser had gotten a little bigger. The only thought that went through my head was cool.

"You are Tony's Kid?" Was the first thing that he asked.

I rolled my eyes," Wow that's the first thing you say? Yes I am."

"Midgardian are always so rude," He said before entering his room and closing the door.

~Time skip~

Everyone gathered in the dining room. I hadn't talked to Loki for the rest of the day and I don't think he's left his room. I finally did learn that Loki was only here as a redemption for his terror here. It was the only way he could get out of his cell on Asgard for good. If he at least tried to make things right with us. Me personally I was to young to really remember what had happened. I just didn't like that he had threatened my families life more than once.

"Y/n," Dad called me out of my trance," Aren't you supposed to be getting Loki used to being here?"

I look him in the eyes," Yes, I guess I am."

Dad sighed," Then where is he?"

I shrugged not really caring and I know they don't particularly enjoy his presence," Probably locked in his room."

"My lovely daughter," I tried not to make a face at the wrong pronouns. It's not like I've told them I'm genderfluid so I can't get mad at him," Maybe you should go get him."

Thor budded in at this moment with a loud," That's a great idea! He really needs to learn how to socialize."

I sighed and pushed away from the table," Fine but if you guys eat all the food before I get back I will reign hell fire upon you all."

I stalked off towards Loki's room. I slightly grumbled to myself upset that I have to wait to eat just because a god doesn't want to come out of his room. I stopped at his door and knocked loudly. I didn't wait for a response before opening the door. He was laying on his bed with a book open in his hands.

"It's quite rude to enter someone's room without their permission," Loki greeted me with a snarky comment to which I ignored.

"You can't redeem yourself if you never come out of your room," I said quickly taking the book out of his hands," Now come eat dinner with us."

I motioned my hands towards the door and he rolled his eyes," No one actually wants me here so what's the point?"

I sighed," God you're so annoying."

I summoned a small ounce of power and used some wind to push him off his bed. He gave a small yelp before landing on the ground," What the hell was that?"

He stood up brushing his clothes off," That was me," I grabbed his arm and pulled him along," Now come on. I'm hungry,"

He resisted the whole way into the dining room. Every time he tried to stop again I gave him a push with some of the wind I could conjure. I basically threw him into the dining room. Thor had an amused smirk on his face as he saw his brother being manhandled. I slid into my spot next to him and gathered food on my plate.

"There," I said looking at Dad," You happy now?"

"Not really but we're all forced to endure his presence," He said.

Loki came and sat on the other side of Thor. We all broke into conversation and Loki once again stayed quiet. He really doesn't like us that much. I notice Loki had finished his food not moments before he stood up. He was making his way out of the room before his brother's voice stopped him.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Loki turned around," I finished my food, you made me sit through that insufferable conversation," Without even trying to include me were the words that went unsaid," I would like to go to my room now and sleep."

Everyone was looking at him without really saying a word. He took that as his time to leave. He exited the room and we went back to the conversations. My eyes lingered on the spot he had been moments before and I stood up to.

"I'm going to retire to my room too," I told everyone.

Everyone mumbled good nights to me as I exited the room. The day felt so long. I spent most of the day on my room not wanting to talk to everyone. I seem to go through those moods a lot. Where I just shut myself off from everyone and I just don't want to deal with everyone misgendering me. I know an easy solution to that would be just telling them but I don't think they would try to understand. I slipped into my room and flopped onto my bed. I didn't even worry about changing my clothes before my eyes fell closed and I was passed out.

Word Count: 1544

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