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(A/N: Sorry this chapter was flimsy and super rushed. I was feeling sick lately and just tried to write something out. Much thanks, and hopefully next chapter will be better.)


"You have always treated me like a child," a frustrated voice says, "I'm sick of it. I never liked living here."

"You can happily leave once you're old enough," A woman's sultry voice responds, seemingly uncaring, "Your father left you under our care."

"I know, and he made a mistake to ever trust you or any single one of you Shogun worshipping idiots."

"And yet you still come running back. Why is that?"


It was easy for Gorou and Mitsuki to clear out those fighting outside Fort Fujitou, and successfully help protect it. In truth, Mitsuki felt almost a bit stressed during that battle. He never had to watch out for so many lives during combat before, and he had to muster more focus than he's normally ever had to use in a fight just to make sure nobody died. Thankfully it was more Fatui and not the Shogunate, so the news that he joined the Resistance wouldn't meet them so soon. If he could drag out the reveal longer, he'd prefer that.

The supply lines came shortly after the fighting had stopped much to their relief. Mitsuki watched soldiers unpack medicines, food supplies, blankets, armor reparations, things for weapon maintenance, and more.

"Gonna need help patching some of the soldiers up. Do you know how to?" Gorou asked him, placing a medical kit in his gloved hand.

"Obviously." He scoffed with narrowed eyes and brushed past him to some of the injured soldiers.

He kneeled in front of one, a man who gritted his teeth to hold back pained groans. He recognized him briefly as one of the few soldiers he had carried to safety, and a soft, unnatural feeling in his chest settled.

'It is a good thing that some are still safe.'

Mitsuki was quite used to patching himself up, and since his father was a doctor he had shown him a bit on how to properly fix up wounds. He hadn't had to do this on another person in a long time though...

"Ngh, you? You...you rescued me...earlier..."

"Yeah." He replied, unboxing some of the bandages from the kit.

"M-My daughter...she's told me about you..."

"You can tell me after." He mutters, checking the soldiers wound. A sharp pierce through his left arm...he'd have to disinfect it before wrapping it up.

"You've met her...a nice lady in Inazuma City...she's around your age..."

"Maybe I have," he says snippily, "I likely do not remember her."

At this comment, he closes his mouth. The soldier winces at the stinging feeling in his arm as Mitsuki cleans up around his wound. He quietly endures and waits for him to tightly wrap the bandages around his arm.

"Perfect," he says satisfied, "Do not move your arm much and change the bandages in a few days if you can afford it. Oh," he pauses from packing up everything in the kit and looks at him through his circular lenses, "And do not get yourself killed so stupidly. Your daughter would hate to hear such news." He begins to stand.

"Thank you..." the soldier mutters softly.

Mitsuki does not respond, instead moving to the next injured soldier. Thankfully there was not too many injured that horribly, and most just needed a scratch or two cleaned up.

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