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"Gorou, these letters are wrong." The Divine Priestess said, brows furrowed in confusion while her eyes scanned over the utter mess she was reading.

"T-They are?"

"Yes," she set down the letters and sighed heavily, "The organization is okay, but we have a lot less supplies than what's been written down. Not to mention we can't share or give away some of these things..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Your Excellency!" His tail and ears visibly dropped and he quietly cursed himself. At his reaction, Kokomi shook her head.

"No, don't be sorry. I normally take care of this job, I shouldn't have expected you to get it right the first time without a better explanation."

Hearing her try to excuse him from taking the blame felt horrible! Even though a part of him was just slightly relieved that she was being understanding.

"You're right that I don't normally do this job but still—"

"Don't worry about it," she reassured before he could ramble, "I'll have this fixed in no time...call Mitsuki in here. I think I can show him how to do it and pass this onto him next time."

"Of course, right away!"

Well, that was embarrassing.

Gorou left the office heavy hearted, now only fueled by his desire to do something right for Kokomi after making such an error. She was right on the account that he had never handled the procurement of supplies for the army, but it still pained him to have messed up so horribly. Right now he could find Mitsuki, and he'd be able to handle the supplies after learning how. Perhaps he could even teach him if he was in a good mood.

He ended up finding Mitsuki by their quarters, talking to a woman he hadn't seen around before. It was unusual already because Mitsuki was actually talking to someone calmly instead of hauling them in by their collar or something. Gorou vaguely remembered when he did that to him and nervously brushed it out of his mind before walking up to see what was going on.

"Mitsuki, are you busy?"

"Not really. But you should probably answer this woman for me."

"My name is Kiyoko," she repeated as if having said it before, "You're General Gorou right?" She turned to him now, and he firmly nodded.

"Yes, what seems to be the issue?"

"No issue, but I was simply asking if I could station myself here and offer my services to you. See, I'm a merchant and I came here to do business. I have high quality, low priced goods that I'm willing to share with those here."


"I took a look at her goods to make sure," Mitsuki turned to Gorou straight faced, "She is not lying."

"Of course not!"

"Then you can go ahead and make your case to Her Excellency. Mitsuki, she actually needs you right now so why not escort Kiyoko to the shrine?"

Without much retaliation to his surprise, Mitsuki agrees with a slight nod. Before he manages to leave, Gorou lightly taps his shoulder to get his attention.

"Let Her Excellency know I'll be training with my men."

Once again, Mitsuki nods and heads off to the Sangonomiya Shrine alongside the merchant, Kiyoko. Her gaze on him was painfully obvious, and after a while he couldn't just ignore it. He looks straight at her and raises his brows questioningly.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ah, nothing."

It appeared she didn't even realize she was staring so hard, because now he noticed her eyes locked firmly onto the floor. At this rate, he was sure she'd run into a tree or something. She began to cough, clearing her throat whilst unsuccessfully restricting herself from allowing any disgruntled noises to escape her.

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