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A quiet step across the grassy plains, and lightning striked down almost in reaction to his movements. The thick pouring rain wet his clothes and stuck his perfectly messy dark blue locks to his face. The rain, the thunder, the cold breeze, the obscured sun...he loved it so dearly.

A sudden rush of emotions, memories, and pain had swarmed him, but he suppressed them under lock and key, for they were not his to share or express.

His light blue eyes, glazed with the sense of rebirth locked onto his sword, wet with not only the falling rain but the washed out blood of his enemies. A new, sharp pain ran up his arm and electrified his body with a feeling of tension.

Slowly he held up his hands into view, recognizing the crimson liquid dripping onto the dirt as his, mixed with someone else's, and something else. Lots of things.

Ah, right, the book.

He quietly took it into his hand, not fearing the damp pages or ruined leather cover. There were no words in it anyhow. Then he took his sword, swinging it over his shoulder and beginning to walk again—thunder booming louder and louder, the wet grass squelching underneath his heavy dragging boots.

"I'll get em...some other time."


Through Fumiko's (rather obnoxious) sniffling, Mitsuki attempted to explain his theory on what had happened during her memory loss.

"I believe your desire to destroy me was recognized by the spirit, and it took over during that vulnerable state. It likely knew you wanted to see me at a point of struggling, so it decided to get in touch with the Shogunate and reveal my position. That would technically fulfill your desire for the Grand Narukami Shrine's protection becoming useless. Why you wrote to Kokomi posing as the Shogunate however, is a mystery to me."

She said nothing, staring down at her lap and twisting the cloth of her clothes uncomfortably and unsettled. At this, Mitsuki heeded her silent desire for a minute to process that she had accidentally thrown the whole Resistance into danger. It wasn't a few seconds later that she choked out her disbelief.

"I never wanted to hurt the Resistance, much less Her Excellency...it's my home. She is my leader..."

"It cannot be helped," he interjects, "Not like you knew a lingering spirit would be around to take advantage of you. And considering how Kokomi is, she probably thinks the same way anyone logically would."

"Hah," she laughs spitefully, Are you trying to comfort me?"

"No, just speaking my mind. Do not allow guilt to eat at you now—what happened has come to pass, and we cannot revert time to fix it."

"This totally sounds like you're comforting me," she wiped at a few stray tears, "I still really hate you, you know?"

"I could care less," he replies genuinely, "I have mentioned before, some people wish for my downfall all the time."

"I wonder why?" she questions sarcastically.

"I too wonder why." He quietly averts his gaze from her, worried that he might have seemed a bit soft there.

'It is not like I chose to be raised by the Grand Narukami Shrine.'

"Regardless," he continues, "I simply intended you to stop crying so we could get back on topic. If making you mad works, then I will do it until you stop."

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